
How you can start a profitable online store for FREE

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Success stories from our clients
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1 click and $0 is all it takes to launch your own online business!
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Unlimited growth potential
Turn your passion into a profitable business and reap the rewards!
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from professionals!

What our clients have achieved

Made $10,200+ in 6 weeks
“I only spend about 30 min a day managing my business. With the sales it generates at the moment, I pay myself the same salary that I used to get in full-time employment working 40 hour per week!”
Miandra, New Zealand
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Made $3,900+ in 5 weeks
“This is my first time doing ecommerce! Sellvia has the products I was looking for, and guarantees the shipping turnaround I needed to give my business the edge to attract customers.”
Joann, Canada
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Made $18,000+ in 4 months
“Sellvia has resolved the shipping time issue – the biggest concern for me! I like that they have ad campaigns readily available for the products.”
Sotirios, Greece
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Made $5,500+ in 7 months
“This is my first online store. It is amazing fun to run it. There are enough products so I can expand my business into other areas and increase revenue.”
Martin, Denmark
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Made $3,600+ in 3 months
“Sellvia is an absolute champ when it comes to taking care of shipping, logistics, and product handling. It’s encouraging to think where this can go!“
Jack, Australia
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Ready to write your own success story?

It takes one click and $0 to start!
You’re welcome to the exciting world of ecommerce – and we’re honoured to guide you!

All success stories

Flo, Australia
5 dropshipping stores allowing to work from anywhere in the world
“The first sale happened 6 weeks after my website got launched. I was really happy and super excited, especially because I didn’t feel I worked super hard to achieve it. I have 5 dropshipping stores now and they perform better than I even expected. Dropshipping is giving me the ability to work from anywhere in the world so I’ve been travelling more since I started. I’m impressed with the outcome, so I plan to create new stores.”
Flo, Australia
Kingpin, India
Never knew ecom is that f***Ing easy’: $28,000+ in just 30 days!
“Ecommerce is easy as hell if you know what you are doing. Opened a new general store with some cool stuff in it 30 days ago. And bang bang the results are just awesome. 15 days results: $20K in profits from 6 stores in total.”
Kingpin, India
Mary, Finland
$20,6K+ in 2 months of dropshipping
“When I created my first online store, there was some inconvenience. It was a struggle to add products on my site manually and process the orders. So, when I saw a Facebook ad for AliDropship, it changed a lot in my business practice. You have no idea how much time it saved me, and how well it all reflected on my returns.”
Mary, Finland
Marco, Portugal
Running a low-investment business while working full time
“I am sure this enterprise is worth trying. The dropshipping model seemed attractive to me for two main reasons. First, it does not require a big investment of money to start. Secondly, I really liked the idea of selling a product before I had even bought it.”
Marco, Portugal
Chanong, Philippines
$27K in 1 year through trial and error
“I tried to look for employment as a nurse, but haven't really been successful. So, I tried to look for ways to make money online instead. Got some cash and some material things I really wanted. I’m still investing in myself to establish my own empire soon.”
Chanong, Philippines
Valery, UK
A full-time mom running a profitable independent business
“I had a good job, but after I had my children, I stopped working and that was when I started looking for the opportunities to work from home. It took me a while: with 0 experience, I was making an online store slowly, and frankly speaking, I am still learning :) My first sale happened about 5 months after I began. By now, I already have a number of trusted suppliers I partner with! I hope to grow my business to a larger scale in the future.”
Valery, UK
Alan, China
Over $17,000 in monthly profit
“I started to have interest in dropshipping because I simply love the idea that I don’t have to keep any inventories for my products. Wherever there is any order I just place through AliExpress and everything will be taken care of and eventually the product will be delivered to the customer’s doorstep.”
Alan, China
David, Australia
Making money in retirement with online business
“I’ve been a traditional business owner for 20 years. At 40 years of age, I retired and moved to Thailand. Living in a really small Thai fishing village, we have made a small Digital Nomad club here. There are now around 4 or 5 us doing dropshipping. Today we have 40+ stores and we are still building more. I am still excited about every sale we make, about each new store gaining traction and developing.”
David, Australia
Otto, the Baltics
$13,087 in 30 days with 4 online stores
“I quit my job because of problems at work and started to invest my time into my first store. I started to receive orders and understood the potential of the whole dropshipping topic. I had a dilemma: to find a new job or to risk everything and try to make money on my own. Eventually, my second store started to receive more sales then the first one. In my 4th month, I made the same money as working for somebody else. I didn’t look for a new job.”
Otto, the Baltics
Anne, France
A single mom working from home while keeping a part-time job
“It all started in January 2019 when I was looking for a business activity to run together with my part-time work. I had difficulty finishing the end of the month and badly needed a second job to provide for my two children. I was familiar with the dropshipping business model from a little past experience and I knew that was the right choice. With my rather home-like personality, I was delighted there was an opportunity for a single mom to work from home.”
Anne, France
Pirn, Estonia
$10,000+ monthly revenue with NO experience
“I had no experience, but I always knew online shop is future. Now I have two stores, they are both doing extremely well. On average, I have 8 customers every day. And my last month revenue was over 10 000$ for one store. My biggest revenue for a day is a bit over 1000$ for one store and my biggest single purchase has been 700$.”
Pirn, Estonia
Messaoud, Czech Republic
No fee dropshipping store with hundreds of sales
“When I started, I had no experience in ecommerce or trade. But… in 3 DAYS after I started, I had my first sales! I had 7 SALES in that one day! And I don’t even pay a lot for ads – $5-15 per month only, spending not more than 2 hours to manage my store daily.”
Messaoud, Czech Republic
Rafael, Brazil
$8,200+/month with Facebook Ads
“I was investing about R$20,00 or US$5,00 per day on Facebook ads. And, really soon, in 4 days (!), I got my first sale! It was a cheap product, about R$89,90 in Brazil or something around US$22. But still, it was my first sale, and it felt amazing.”
Rafael, Brazil
Sofia, Greece
First steps of dropshipping by a work-at-home mom
“I have been working in multinational companies for 12 years, but after I gave birth, my list of priorities completely changed. As a work-at-home mom I wanted something flexible. I wanted to enjoy my kid’s early years and be there when needed. I ordered a custom store from AliDropship. The first sale came surprisingly early – the day we connected payment gateways. I won’t lie, next sales were not that easy!”
Sofia, Greece
Ankit, India
$52,000+ in 7 months of dropshipping
“I was looking for sources of income to become more independent in college. I worked for months without success and tested tons of products. But trust me, I learned a lot from my failures to reach where I have reached today. Nothing goes to waste, you just have to stay till the end, which I did – and at the age of 21 I currently have a net worth of $50,000 and no liabilities. As an Indian family, my family couldn’t believe that I had acquired this much wealth just over the period of 6-7 months.”
Ankit, India
Arik, Canada
How far you can go with dropshipping fashion clothes
“With AliDropship’s guidance, I have been able to learn things about the online business I never thought I could on my own! My knowledge and the store growth expands everyday as I continue to thrive and succeed just as my parents did in their retail business.”
Arik, Canada
Ryan, the Baltics
$51K in 8 months with Instagram Shoutouts
“This is a story about how I made $51,004.83 in 8 months with dropshipping using Instagram Shoutouts while working a full-time job. My parents taught me to get a good education and a prestige job. I did that but felt that’s not something I want to do all my life. I started with poker but failed, continued with stocks trading – failed again. Then in 2015 or 2016, I read my first article about dropshipping. In August 2016, I opened my first store with AliDropship…”
Ryan, the Baltics
Sunit, India
Dropshipping as the only source of income during the jobless period
“Thanks to dropshipping, I have been running my online store for the last 2 years. I was quite happy with a few orders in a week… until I lost my job in February, 2020 during the COVID-19 outbreak. And that’s how the business that I used to consider as a secondary source of income became my only source of income.”
Sunit, India
Martin, Netherlands
Successful dropshipping business in detail: 4,100+ EUR in 30 days
“Dropshipping in its core value is without any big risk of investing money or losing money. That’s why I choose this model instead of having a big stock and it’s operational costs. At the moment I have plans for a few more websites. Also hiring virtual assistants to help me running and operating it.”
Martin, Netherlands
Angel, Bulgaria
Life after starting an online retail business
“I still remember the first PayPal notification I saw! Felt like I got a big shot of adrenaline. Currently, I have 2 stores. The first one is on hold as for now, and the second one is giving me a good passive income. The average gross sales per month are $892 with no ads running. So, now, I have a bigger plan which I am following passionately, and I am able to save more for my daughter.”
Angel, Bulgaria
Niti, Australia
$11,5K in 3 months on a maternity leave
“I knew it for a fact that once I have the baby, life will be very busy – especially as I’m a first-time mother. So I was looking for something to do from home. I quit my 9 to 5 job after the baby was born, and started my online business – it cost me under $200, including AliDropship plugin price, theme, domain and hosting. My first order came the second day after the launch of my store! I am now in the process of creating one more store, and the other one is under development.”
Niti, Australia
Martin, New Zealand
A handsome profit in the FIRST month of owning a store
“I fell in love with the dropshipping business model. I had no previous experience in this exact field, I only bought products in bulk several times. But, after watching dropshipping tutorials on YouTube, I became a fan of dropshipping and loved the idea that I don’t have to touch the products – just keep the PROFIT :))))”
Martin, New Zealand
Anas, Morocco
64K+ in 1.5 years of ecommerce
"In my previous story, I shared how I made about 7,000 dollars a year of ecommerce in Morocco which honestly seemed like much for me. But after another year of working hard, I understood that there are no limits. The harder you work, the more you earn. And once you are financially independent, your life changes A LOT. My life itself has improved so much during one year of hard work. I still remember how I struggled to make my first sales, but now everything seems easier than it was before."
Anas, Morocco
Tammy, Australia
Running a business from home: newcomer’s experience
“My half-time employment works for me because I love having a lot of time to myself to play video games, draw and read. Obviously, that doesn’t pay the bills though, so, I needed to find a way to make extra money while still having the luxury of having time for myself.”
Tammy, Australia
Tristan, France
From 0 to €43K+ in 1 year with a lean startup
“Dropshipping is the best business model to start with very limited investments. I had almost 0 on my bank account when I started. Now, I run 2 stores. The first one was launched about a year ago and made €43K during this period. The second store set off 2 months ago and made almost €10K already.”
Tristan, France
Alex, Russia
3-20 orders every day with a new brand
“I was experimenting with different types of online business, and what I liked about dropshipping was that it can be automated using ‘robots’. I preferred this style because it lets me work when I want, and rest when I need. I have 9 stores, and 4 of them are built on AliDropship. On average, I have 3-20 orders every day.”
Alex, Russia
Abderrahman, Morocco
From 0 to $59,600+ in 2 years with zero ad costs
“I spend nothing on advertising! I figured out that the best buyers are the ones who come from Google and search engines because they look for these specific products deliberately. My first sale happened in about a week after the store was launched. Shortly before that, I set up some push notifications on my site, and got some visitors – and eventually, customers – from them.”
Abderrahman, Morocco
Rene, Spain
A successful home-based business built from scratch
“The store is doing well, and I keep experimenting with products and niches. As an entrepreneur, I am already looking for an opportunity to launch a new one. I like the changes it has brought into my life: I am busy and learning new things!”
Rene, Spain
Rahul, India
From 0 to $12,000 in 5 months with a single AliDropship store
“I was facing some financial problems and that time spending money on new project and ads was really difficult. I was running ads since last 3 to 4 days and at the time of dinner I got email notification in my mobile. After reading that purchase email I was literally jumping here and there. First sell is always special.”
Rahul, India
Antonio, Moldova
Dropshipping chosen after trying all eCommerce venture types
“I think I know almost all Internet money making methods (haha). I have tried many of them, from clicking, gaming, blogging, etc. to Forex, poker, bitcoin, MLM and many others. None of them was enough to help me make a living. I’ve heard about dropshipping before and I liked the great bonus of not having to manage stock. But I thought it’s too hard to start, and I didn’t have any proper experience in ecommerce. So, I thought it’s only for entrepreneurs and businessmen.”
Antonio, Moldova
Moussdog, France
$3,500 in 45 days in a fan niche
“I found a forum thread called “My Dropshipping Journey with AliExpress” where Yaros was presenting his successful experience. Yaros dropshipping AliExpress story was like a revelation for me, the Holy Grail. Adding stuff automatically from Aliexpress, placing orders automatically, importing reviews from AliExpress – the plugin makes it all easy for you. Within the first day you are ready to sell.”
Moussdog, France
Sagar, India
Running multiple dropshipping websites
“I have 4 stores and spend 8-10 hours a week on my dropshipping business. Planning and strategy to run ads takes main time since the rest of the things are almost automated. By using AliDropship I am able to reduce my overall costs and my workload to at least 80%. Dropshipping is fun. It has given me the confidence and freedom to enjoy my life and be proud of myself. I am excited about having it as a constant part of my life. It’s more of a hobby that makes me money. Can’t beat that!”
Sagar, India
Godfred, Ghana
$500+ every week with minimal effort
“I got the freedom to dropship when I came across AliDropship. I can go on vacation whenever I want, I get to import as many products as I want, I get to design my website how I want it and add whatever add-ons I want.”
Godfred, Ghana
Mihai, Spain
First steps of dropshipping to the US
“Before I started with the dropshipping business, I was making money with Amazon Affiliate program in the USA, UK & Spain. But I ended up with too much competition and poor support, so I decided to get something to be fully mine: something I would have a 100% control over. With a USA-targeted dropshipping store, in 2 days after starting a Facebook ad campaign, I had my first sale of $40. Now, I want to achieve like 10-20 shops in total running on autopilot, so I can enjoy more time with my family and my 2 beautiful girls.”
Mihai, Spain
Asif, India
$52k revenue store with a $2,000+ monthly profit
“I thought that every single person can make a difference in their life, everyone can do what they want, needs consistent try, learn from own mistakes and never ever give up. I have done quite a research that time in many different aspects of money making but the idea of selling items without the headache of keeping stock seemed to me quite exciting.”
Asif, India
Alex, Russia
Making money with SEO – and 9 dropshipping stores
“I do not spend money on advertising at all. No marketing expenses! No ads, no promotions, just natural search: my buyers come from organic traffic. I started improving SEO and invested some time and effort into the stores' security. As a result, my Natural Google Traffic is growing and this strategy is working fine even though it is absolutely free! I have 9 stores these days, and each of them has 3,000-12,000 unique visitors every month.”
Alex, Russia
Janos, Hungary
$1,800+/month with low-cost marketing tools
“About a year ago, I started to run my first AliDropship business. Now this business is almost 1 year old, and the next similar project is in progress. My business is officially registered here. I am fully flexible now and I have a lot more freedom. This store performance is inspiring me, and I’m planning to launch at least 2-3 more stores with AliDropship.”
Janos, Hungary
Kitty, New Zealand
From 0 to $45,800+ in 3 years with ZERO experience at the start
“I love having this business as a side venture alongside my main job. To be honest, by the moment I started, I had absolutely no background experience or knowledge in ecommerce, trade, or any other areas of online entrepreneurship.”
Kitty, New Zealand
Olusola David, Nigeria
A win-win combination of an online store AND an affiliate program
“I got to know about AliDropship one day while I was learning more about dropshipping. The business model intrigued me so much that I was ready to start almost immediately. Getting to know about AliDropship made me love the dropshipping model even more. It makes it easy and affordable to start the business comparing to the recurring fee of Shopify.”
Olusola David, Nigeria
Yan, France
From 0 to $1358 in 52 days
“I set a goal of making my first sale at the start of this journey by the end of 2017. 2 months ago I only had a vague understanding of dropshipping. Last month at the start of December I had $0 in sales. At the end of Dec, I made $442.55 in revenue from 29 sales. I had 3403 visitors to the site during the month of December.”
Yan, France
Anas, Morocco
A student entrepreneur experimenting with dropshipping
“Influenced by my love for everything special, I decided to make a business that provides clothing for unique people. As a student, I don’t have enough budget to start a regular reselling business with high startup costs. So, naturally, the first thing that came to my mind was dropshipping. I had no experience at all, all I had was a passion to learn anything new and to grow my business. And god, that feeling when you get your first sale is incomparable!”
Anas, Morocco
Patrick, Switzerland
From 0 to 356 CHF: first business steps
“As of now, Patrick only runs one dropshipping store, but its potential seems to be quite inspiring. Patrick reveals that the quality of his student life has improved, and his friends and family fully support his efforts. That’s why he doesn’t simply want to scale and develop his existing business. On top of that, he also plans to launch several more stores in some other niches.”
Patrick, Switzerland
Otto, the Baltics
What can happen to a dropshipping business after 3 years
“I’ve been through the ups and downs in these years but I still see opportunities and want to test new things. Life has changed a lot, I feel more confident about being able to provide myself with the income. I am financially in better shape then I was when I had a job working for somebody else.”
Otto, the Baltics
Alvaro, Chile
Dropshipping profit that’s 4 times higher than the 9-to-5 salary
“Today, Alvaro has about 20 ecommerce stores. Speaking of his total monthly dropshipping profit (excluding expenses), Alvaro says it reaches the mark of $14,000. It surely outweighs his former salary: just 3 years ago, Alvaro was earning $3,500 per month on his regular job.”
Alvaro, Chile
Sunit, India
Building an online business with passive income
“Since the beginning of my job life, I was looking for alternative ways of earning. Dropshipping gave me hope to return to my family earlier than I could possibly do by doing only a job. I don’t earn huge money yet, but I am satisfied enough to have a decent earning using my passive time.”
Sunit, India

Start your own online business today

No more guesswork or time waste:
get the tried and tested solution to launch your venture in a day!

Our customers rate us as excellent

Watch the progress of ecommerce businesses powered with Sellvia

Emmanuel Balogun
May 31

“Great platform for e-commerce”
I’ve been a customer of Sellvia for a long time, and I have to say I’m thrilled with this platform. It’s so intuitive and user-friendly. Managing my store, tweaking settings, and adding/removing products is a breeze without significant time commitments. The product pages are all pre-made and even provide ad copies for various items. It’s a game-changer and makes life so much easier. No more searching for reliable suppliers on AliExpress or comparing similar products from different manufacturers. Sellvia takes care of all that hassle for me.

Adelina Herrera recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
March 3

Sellvia is definitely the solution to try out. Currently, it’s one of the easiest ways to start selling on Amazon. I found their zoom consultations very helpful. The support team answers are very prompt and they solved my issue quite easily. I would recommend Sellvia both to fresh and skilled ppl.

Marvin V.
August 14

I ordered an online store from them after a Zoom consultation. It turned out even better than I expected (I always think that not many will put in much effort for a free trial). The store looks really cool! You can tell right away that it’s professionally done, not some rushed job. The design is eye-catching and customizable, and they added all the necessary products without any extras. The support from their team is incredibly valuable; I message them in the chat, and they respond almost instantly. Another plus is their informative blog with useful and up-to-date information.

Jane Johnson recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
July 5

I’m super excited about the amazing support I’ve been getting from the Sellvia team. Compared to other online businesses I’ve tried, their support is on a whole new level. I feel proud to be a part of this incredible community. They’ve been there for me every step of the way, quickly responding to all my inquiries. Big thanks to the team!

Nick R.
July 21

I decided to sign up for the trial since it’s free for 2 weeks – that should be enough time to determine whether or not to continue working with this company. So far, Marlen and Angelica have been providing me with helpful advice. Angelica is also very friendly, knowledgeable, and pleasant to communicate with. I enjoy working with these individuals, and I believe that with Sellvia, I will be able to achieve the desired result: launching my own store and making it profitable.

Noah Norton
February 24

“My experience is positive so far”
I’ve started my ecom journey by learning the basics. And when I found Sellvia YT channel, I fell in love almost immediately! So clear and helpful videos with step-by-step instructions! I stopped doubting ecom and believing it was a waste of money that would never pay off. I decided to give Sellvia a chance, and it was a great decision! Huge support from the Sellvia team always makes me feel at ease because they not only answer my questions but also give advice in time to avoid tech issues. Now I’m a store owner and very proud of it!

Luka Arsin
October 24

Sellvia is a great way to start an online business with minimum investment and with zero hassle. They offer amazing online stores. It took me sometime to choose one because they all look great. And they provide good customer support with all the tutorials and tips you need.

Todd Morgan
April 26

“Sellvia pros and cons”
Let’s start with the fact that this is my fourth and most successful attempt to start selling online. I took the kids niche on the advice of the PM. I wasn’t sure about the result, but decided to rely on the opinion of a professional.And I have two kids of different ages, so I could orient myself in this niche from the very beginning. I got a ready-made website with products and product pages, then added more products from the catalog. I used Sellvia Academy materials and hung out in chats with managers and support for a long time. They probably still remember me. 😁Thanks to the team’s advice, I was able to promote my website and start making money from it. So, the pros are: fast shipping, ready-made website, ready-made product pages, educational materials, and tech support.

Social Help
September 7

In my opinion, this company offers well-thought-out and comprehensive packages that they likely generated from their own experience (as far as I know, they have their own stores as well, not just for selling).The bundle of bestsellers with SEO articles targeting specific keywords is a clever approach. It’s an excellent way to stand out among competitors with unique products and unique content. I’ve ordered the smallest package for now to give it a try, and I’ll write about how it works later on.

Agnes Stewart recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
December 26

Sellvia has been incredibly helpful in launching my ecommerce business. From the very start, their customer service was top-notch and they were always willing to help me out with any questions I had. They walked me through the entire setup process, from setting up my online store to customizing it to exactly what I wanted. They also provided resources to help me get the most out of my store.

Libbie N.
September 9

It’s like having a business mentor and tech support rolled into one. Totally loving the experience!Efficient, professional, friendly assistance! Brian knows a lot about the field of e-commerce and, probably, can be a business coach in this area. I am pleased to communicate with him, and I received a lot of useful information. Believe it or not, I even take notes!

Sara Gerber recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
April 11

A big shoutout to the Sellvia team for giving me an awesome start! When I signed up for the trial, I was sure I’d fail and just wanted to confirm my doubts. But these guys helped me with everything – from the website theme and product selection to the settings, logo, and name. Now, everything’s up and running, and I can’t wait for my social media pages to be ready. I’m spending almost all my free time learning about marketing theory and strategies online that seem legit. It’s become interesting, and I’m passionate about it. After all, everyone starts somewhere, right? Can’t wait to update my review in a couple of months!

Renee Althoff
September 14

The biggest plus for me is the free store. To me, it’s an indicator of a serious company that stands behind its product. The second important aspect are their services. I’m not a marketer, and I’ve always seen advertising as the most challenging part of managing a store. Here, I can get ready-made advertising materials for the best products, and my manager, Kaylee, helps me with advice on how to properly launch an advertising campaign.

Noah W.
July 18

This platform provides an excellent opportunity for a start, for testing one’s abilities. It’s the easiest way to begin: no need to hire employees, worry about office or warehouse space, or deal with piles of documents. And yes, the team has created a wealth of materials for people like me, where they explain everything from store settings to ad intricacies. Overall, I’m most grateful to this platform for giving me the opportunity to test my abilities and for their competent support. I’ve had 4 sales so far, but I’m still a beginner and have a long, exciting journey ahead as an entrepreneur!

Aejaz Ali Nohario recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
January 11

I recently purchased Sellvia’s ready-made store and I’m extremely satisfied with it! The store is easy to set up and manage, and the customer service team is incredibly helpful. The store design is professional and modern, and there are all the features I need to start out.

Abraham E.
July 21

I’m satisfied with how the Sellvia team works. From the initial questionnaire to store setup, I always received prompt responses to my inquiries. The team was always ready to assist me, even during evening hours. Excellent customer support, and my heartfelt gratitude to them. Keep up the good work guys.

Gerry Gilbert recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
December 3

With Sellvia you can actually set up your own brand without actually lifting a finger.It is where you are highly appreciated since they offer super fast shipping and great services at affordable prices..I was greatly surprised with their prices and customer service. A recommendation is the best I can do.

Chris Brown
June 02

“The best dropshipping ecosystem!”
I have used many dropshipping platforms over the years. No one is close to sellvia, amazing performance, and is easy to use. A complete ecosystem to start your online business for beginners and experts.

September 14

The customer service is absolutely amazing! They responded to my message within minutes!!! They quickly resolved the issue with setting up the payment gateways, no complications at all! We are extremely satisfied and will never go anywhere else, and neither should you!

Bob Froen recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
February 21

I’ve just started a trial. Some things that attracted me: clear pricing, many offers for every level of experience and user-friendly support. The platform seems to be reliable and good for building a webstore.

agyemang b.
June 5

I can’t claim to have thoroughly explored all e-commerce platforms and website builders currently available in the market, but from what I have researched, interacted with, and even tried the free versions, Sellvia seems to be the most suitable partner for me.

Blanc Desrosiers
February 12

Had an incomparable experience with Sellvia e-commerce services. They provide impressivewebsite development services with high quality frontend solutions and the best part is they create user friendly interface which is also available at reasonable pricing. Highly recommended.

Arlo Felix
December 2

Marketing ideas are the lifeblood of keeping my business relevant and help you to reach clients that you may otherwise not be exposed to.  Sellvia exactly excels in coming up with ideas. There ideas were not only unique but were extremely relevant to my business. This is a fantastic platform for e-commerce beginners. Really indigenous.  Highly recommended.

Trinity Davis recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
April 18

Olika is amazing! I’m always super busy, so it’s hard for me to understand instructions just by clicking on a link and reading. But Olika is like a cheerleader for Sellvia, and she patiently walks me through everything so I can actually understand what I’m doing. Thanks, Olika, you’re awesome! 👍

Victoria Gonzalez recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
February 9

What sells me on sellvia is their 24/7 support which is really helpful, the ready ads, guides and tutorials on what to do next. I’m far enough from California, and it’s highly important to me that I still can use all these sellvia features.

July 24

Overall, good platform. When I’m satisfied, I don’t have much desire to write long reviews. It seems to me that long reviews are written mostly by those who have had a negative experience. My store is ready and launched, and I’m satisfied with the work of my account manager. I would like to express special thanks for the services. I ordered the marketing package because it includes ready-made materials for all types of advertising, and I plan to create both text posts and videos. This service saves not only time but also money, as it prevents unnecessary experiments at the initial stage when time is the most valuable because I want to start generating profits asap.

Kristine Mae Juliet Gamale
January 9

My experience with Sellvia is so satisfying. As a young entrepreneur I have tried other online platforms, too. But Sellvia is definitely my match. I have called technical support in all the issues that I faced in setting up my account, and they responded in a timely manner. I also continually seek for their free personal consultations. I highly recommend Sellvia!

Keisha D.
June 6

I am fully satisfied with the support from the team. They are considerate and very knowledgeable in their field of expertise. I always wanted to work with a business like Sellvia which cares each of its customer. I have set a goal to try to become a self-made entrepreneur in the future

kaamil yare
September 9

I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has been there for me. Your support and guidance mean the world to me, and I’m incredibly grateful for everything you’ve done. Thank you from the bottom of my heart🙌🏾

Otto Silva
September 09

“Great service in every aspects”
The process of searching and adding new products to your store is super easy. The customer service is brilliant and replies fast to help you fully.

Siva Aathi recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
November 24

Sellvia is an excellent software company! You don’t even need to complete any activities beforehand. The good news is that you may choose which of the thousands of things in an existing successful catalog to sell in your business. It offers a great support system, and a ton of features, and is simple to use. I was able to get a range of high-quality goods at reasonable prices. I’m quite happy with Sellvia.

Kathryn Kim recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
March 15

Quick and concise resolutions to every question and issue I come across. Olika, Betty, Vicky and the the whole team are top of everything that comes to their radar! Amazing team to work with!

Bashir Sheikh
September 17

“Extremely Fair and Reliable”
I couldn’t believe how extremely fair and reliable sellvia is. Sellvia offers cool services with many essential products online. To get a push on our e-commerce site, access to a 90 million audience of US digital buyers is a definite plus. I can’t be happier about this decision.

thecrews c.
August 14

For now, I can say that their promises align with reality. I have a full-time job and can’t afford to dedicate more than two or three hours a day to a side gig. So, the option of building a store from scratch wasn’t even on the table. Sellvia offered a ready-to-go store, and that’s exactly what I got. The store came with products, product descriptions, and even customer reviews. I can easily set prices, discounts, track purchases, and so on. Among all the possible side gigs, this is the simplest and least burdensome, especially since I already work in marketing and have a clear promo strategy in mind. My priority was to get a functional, operational store with products that interest me. And I got it.

Dawn Parker recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
April 22

Oh, I’m loving Sellvia’s promo services! They’re paid, but save a ton of time and effort. My store has 6 different social media accounts and it’s not even the limit! I don’t know how I would have managed it all otherwise. Sure, there are plugins for automatic posting, but I still trust people more when it comes to this stuff.

Helen Donovan recommends Sellvia - Ecommerce Ecosystem
July 3

I can definitely say that my experience working with Sellvia has been positive. I lack the knowledge and skills to build a store on my own, so I decided to order a ready-made store (the Sellvia PRO plan). We discussed the theme, logo, niche, and products in advance, and the store turned out exactly as I requested. I also opted for the marketing pack because it’s much easier to have ready-made materials for advertising rather than searching for content online and trying to generate something suitable from it. While I can create basic banners in Canva, that’s about it. Here, I received highly professional videos, beautiful banners, and well-written texts that I can use for social media ads. IMO, it significantly simplifies the process, allowing me to launch much sooner rather than waiting for a couple of months.

Emmanuel B.
May 24

This is a convenient and functional platform that, in my opinion, is more suitable for experienced entrepreneurs who understand the value of a comprehensive approach. Everything related to technical aspects, settings, customization, and further promotion will also be better understood by people with experience. It’s difficult for me to judge from the perspective of a beginner since I have been involved in dropshipping for quite some time. Sellvia has strong technical support and provides marketing guides and instructional videos. Well, it is possible to learn everything from scratch if you set that goal for yourself. For me, the most important aspect is that Sellvia offers comprehensive solutions for dropshipping. I don’t need to search for specialists or third-party tools because all possible marketing services, SEO, add-ons, and plugins to improve store performance are already available here. If you know what you’re doing, you can start right from day one.