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From 0 To $3,900+: How Joann Grows An Ecommerce Business Startup With Sellvia

by Olga L. | | 3 min read

How do you launch a successful ecommerce business startup when you’re absolutely new to the industry? What can you do to create the best buying experience possible for your customers — and make sure the business stays profitable anyway? Let’s get some absolutely fabulous ecommerce insights from our today’s guest!

Hi! Please, introduce yourself!

Hi, I’m Joann DeVera from British Columbia, Canada! I’m a single mother of two wonderful school age children, a girl and a boy.

Joann, the owner of an ecommerce business startup powered by Sellvia

For most of my adult career, I have worked in the Social Services industry, providing direct care and services to vulnerable populations around the world.

I am originally from the Philippines and began working for an international non-profit social service agency there. That’s where I met my Canadian ex-husband and we both worked for the same agency in the Philippines for 16 years. We came back to Canada in 2012. I love to cook and bake, and briefly managed a bakery when I first came to Canada.

In my current employment, other than my ecommerce business, I am a manager for an agency that provides housing and care to high-risk foster children that have not been successful in other homes. I love my two boxer dogs, and hope to breed them in the near future.

So, your ecommerce business startup shows inspiring results even though it’s a part-time venture!

Yes — and this is my first time doing ecommerce!

Basically, it’s a WordPress-based dropshipping store. It’s a self-made one, powered with AliDropship plugin to facilitate the management process. There, I sell the products imported from the Sellvia platform which I’m very happy to have as my ecommerce solutions provider.

Why Sellvia? Isn’t AliExpress a more typical dropshipping supplier?

Most of my customers are from the United States. That’s why I was looking for an American-based supplier that could ship my products quickly, and found Sellvia doing online research.

Sellvia had the products I was looking for, and was able to guarantee the shipping turnaround I needed to give my business the edge to attract customers. So far, my customers are happy with the products and the shipping times, getting it to them within three business days. I also like the quality of the products available and the value.

What are these Sellvia products, exactly?

I sell unique and hard to find automotive accessories, specifically to make travel more comfortable, more convenient, and more safe.


I don’t do engine parts or any mechanical items. All my products are peer reviewed for quality and value.

How is your business performing with these Sellvia products?

The store has been live for just over a month, and I only promote it on Facebook and Twitter, sometimes with video ads: this is my first time doing ecommerce and I don’t have anything different in my marketing strategy yet.

And still, I’ve been very happy with the service Sellvia provides to ensure my business has the best chance of success!

Sales report of an ecommerce business startup powered by Sellvia

So, how is your ecommerce business startup making profits from Sellvia?

First of all, I choose products that meet the needs of the specific customer base I am targeting, and match the overall theme of my website. So, if an item meets these criteria, I review prices of similar products offered by the larger ecommerce competitors and set mine accordingly.

Typically, if I can make a 50% markup and still be competitive in price with the big retailers, then I can list that product on my website. The markup covers the cost of the free shipping I offer all my customers and still gives me a reasonable profit margin.

This truly is an incredible example of an inspirational ecommerce business startup! Working for the benefit of the most vulnerable members of society, Joann still finds time and resources to run a profitable part-time online business. It’s an honor for us to provide her with the right products and favorable delivery times to make her customers satisfied and help her venture thrive. We wish Joann the best of luck with all her undertakings and hope her experience encourages others to follow in her footsteps!

by Olga L.
Olga is a Copywriting Director at Sellvia. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business’ as an Advertising specialist, she puts years of her copywriting experience into making clear and informative guides, tutorials, and other educational materials for ecommerce newcomers worldwide.
Verean September 2, 2021 7:58:26

Hello, I currently own a store that is powered with allidropship powered by wordpress.. I would like to give my store a fresh face with fresh new products .would I be able to do that by using Selliva?? was I’ll gor a whkle and really didnt do much with the now feeling better and would like to bring my store to life and change yhe items in the store
.do you have anyone who would be able to guide me with the task.
.I live in Ontario Csnada currently offers world wide shipping .but would love to sell more into the US..I’m new to dropshipping

Olga Lavrinovich September 2, 2021 12:54:47

Hi, thank you for the interest!
Yes, you can easily add Sellvia products to your AliDropship store and run a store targeting the US market – for example, that’s exactly what Joann ( and Gagandeep ( are doing from Canada!

If you need a free detailed consultation on how to do that, you’re welcome to ask any questions here:

Atukunda Martin November 4, 2021 6:44:24

Hello. I have store that manages general merchandise because since I am dealing with an American market I thought it would be great to try variety for a start since it’s my first time. I do make ads on Instagram Facebook and twitter but have not had an engagement for sales yet. I don’t know if I need to re adjust on my target market or marketing skills.?

Artyom Kopylov November 4, 2021 9:54:56

Hi, thank you for your experience shared!
If you’re eager to upgrade your marketing skills, feel free to go to Sellvia Academy –
You will find detailed instructions on how to run ad campaigns for profit there.
In case you use Sellvia as a supplier, don’t forget about high-converting marketing materials that are provided for each product in our catalog.

Dan Manoliu December 20, 2021 11:13:27

It is a good approach. I te sounds like beeing in a good trend. Congrats!

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