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Case Studies

He Hated His Job, So He Built a $40,000/Month Dropshipping Business

by Roman P. | | 7 min read

Meet Zach, who shares his journey of starting a successful dropshipping business after hating his previous job. Despite facing challenges along the way, Zach’s determination and commitment led him to build a successful high profit margin ecommerce store that generates a monthly revenue of $40,000.

Zach’s beginnings

Zach, originally from Boise, Idaho, had a background in sales, specifically medical device sales. He has always had a passion for entrepreneurship, starting his first business at the age of 15. Zach’s sales career has mostly been remote, with a focus on capital sales and equipment. While his sales career involved mostly remote work, he also had to travel frequently for capital sales and meetings.

photo bored sad man behind a computer

However, he always had an interest in ecommerce and decided to give it a try. Although he had some mixed results with his previous ventures, Zach’s interest in ecommerce had always been present. He had considered starting an online business for a while but never took the leap until his dissatisfaction with his sales job pushed him to explore new opportunities. Although he initially believed that he would see immediate success, his sales job became demanding and took up most of his time. This delayed his progress in the ecommerce business.

photo happy man celebrating with a laptop

Despite the challenges, Zach made the decision to double down and commit to his dropshipping business for another six months. He recognized that many people give up on their entrepreneurial dreams when faced with similar challenges, but he was determined to push through and make his online business a success. He had faith in himself and was determined to achieve success. After some consideration, he decided to prioritize his ecommerce business and spend less time on his previous job. Zach’s store started gaining traction, and October and November were his best months, with revenues just under $40,000. That’s high profit margin products for you.

So how did Zach achieve such success in dropshipping?

Zach attributes his success to several factors. Firstly, his niche selection played a crucial role. Although his niche was competitive and had lower profit margins compared to others, Zach’s extensive experience in the medical sales industry allowed him to excel in this specific area. His familiarity with the products and the industry enabled him to establish connections with high-quality brands, which contributed to his success.

Try and fail. Do it, push through the wall.

Zach also emphasizes the importance of pushing through the initial challenges and doubts that come with starting a business. Zach’s ability to persevere through difficult moments was essential. He acknowledged the challenges he faced, such as choosing the right brands and optimizing his ads, but his determination to overcome these obstacles drove him forward.

a picture showing how to start a business with little money -- prelaunch secrets and great business ideas

Zach’s plans for the future

photo man with boxes of products and packages

Looking ahead, Zach plans to hire a store manager for his current store, allowing him to focus on starting another one. He aims to build a team that can handle the day-to-day operations, allowing him to focus on expanding his business further. Zach believes that having multiple stores managed by capable individuals will provide him with a steady stream of income and the option to sell one of the stores in the future. He acknowledges that the niche he is in is competitive and plans to expand into more niches and more stores. And of course, he plans on switching to more high profit margin products for increased returns. Zach intends to transition from his current sales job to full-time ecommerce.

What can we learn from Zach’s story?

Choosing the right niche

Zach had a competitive edge, thanks to his knowledge of the niche.

I think my niche is in my core competency. I know what I’m selling.

When you select a niche you’re already knowledgeable about, you have a distinct advantage. Your existing expertise will help you understand your target audience’s needs and preferences better. You can anticipate trends, identify quality products, and offer valuable insights to your customers.

photo woman with a package and a laptop

Being passionate about your chosen niche can make a significant difference in your motivation and commitment to your business. When you’re genuinely interested in the products you’re selling, you’ll be more enthusiastic about marketing and promoting them. Customers are more likely to trust a seller who demonstrates expertise in the products they offer. This trust can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Proper guidance and assistance

He shares the value he found in his educational program. He had a coach named Rodrigo, who provided guidance and insights, which was invaluable. Zach appreciates being able to bounce ideas off someone who has already been through similar experiences and has seen others succeed.

The importance of high profit margin products

Another important lesson we should pick up from this impressive story is the role of high profit margin products in ecommerce. High profit margin products are like the backbone of ecommerce. They help businesses make money and grow. Let’s talk about why these products are so important in online shopping.

photo expensive high ticket jewelry

Firstly, high profit margin products make sure a business has enough money to run smoothly. It’s like having enough money to pay the bills and make improvements. This helps the business get bigger and better.

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These products also bring in customers. When customers see good deals and special items, they get curious and want to shop more. This means they might buy not only the special item but also other things from the store. It’s like starting with a tasty appetizer that makes you want to try the whole menu.

Additionally, high profit margin products can make a business look really good. Selling fancy or unique items with big profits can make people trust the business more. This can lead to customers sticking around and telling their friends about it.

How can you repeat Zach’s story?

Zach’s story is more than inspirational. His journey from hating his job to building a $40,000/month dropshipping business is a testament to the power of determination and perseverance. His commitment, perseverance, and strategic approach have led him to create a profitable dropshipping business. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, he remained committed to his goals and achieved remarkable success. His story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of finding a niche that aligns with one’s expertise and staying dedicated to the journey. So why don’t you follow Zach’s example and write your own ecommerce success story?

Start your own dropshipping business with Sellvia today

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Imagine a future where you’re not just running an online store but leading a thriving ecommerce business. A future where each sale significantly contributes to your income, and customer satisfaction is as high as your profits. With Sellvia, this future isn’t just possible; it’s within reach.

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Take the first step towards creating your success venture. Your story of success, growth, and financial freedom is waiting to be written. Start a high-ticket ecommerce business for today and let Sellvia be the pen that helps you write it. Welcome to a world of opportunity, where your entrepreneurial dreams turn into reality.

by Roman P.
As a copywriter at Sellvia, Roman helps aspiring ecommerce entrepreneurs around the world learn how to launch and grow their online businesses. He has a degree in economics, which gives him an edge in understanding the ecommerce industry. Roman creates engaging and informative content that empowers people to achieve their full potential.
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