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Success Stories

“By selling vacuums online I saved my wife from serious case of depression”: Sam’s Story

by Artemis K. | | 9 min read

Get your napkins ready, dear readers, because this story’s made at least half of our team cry, and we’re quite sure it’s gonna go straight to your heart too (and teach you some valuable lessons on starting an online store quickly).

But let us start with a question: does $2,346 sound like a big deal to you? Well, yeah, it’s not much at first sight, but for Samuel, a new client of ours who has just started the business (out of desperation after a job loss!) it was kind of…well, shocking.

To make 5 sales with 1 TikTok post on his account (Sam learned to do it with the Academy lessons) when it’s literally your FIRST WEEK as a dropshipping store owner, how insane is that? For Samuel it’s the new reality.

Sounds interesting? So it does! Let’s go strictly to the story!

Meet Samuel who’s life has turned upside down after starting an online business

meet Sam, a newly-minted dropshipper who pulled his wife out of depression with ecommerce

Meet Samuel. He’s not just a 31-year-old automotive technician, a caring husband, a proud father of Nicholas. Since this June, he is a newly-minted dropshipping entrepreneur. The point? He’s a fighter and a true hero for us and many others.

With this blog post we first of all want to spread love and support to all of those people out there who’re fighting in their own battles every day and no one around knows how hard they fight.

After we got to know his story, we had a zoom meeting and our whole team was just standing and giving this man a round of applause, and by the moment you finish reading this story, we’re sure you’ll see — Sam and his family deserve it.

– Hey Samuel, how are you? Thanks for joining us today, please, tell us a bit about yourself, and if you want you can just share anything with our community of dropshippers all over the US and the outside world right now, you’re the most welcome!

– Hey there, what’s up, thanks for having me, my name’s Sam, I’m from Nebraska. Once I got an associate degree in automotive technology. I was only 21. Since then I’ve always been working as an automotive technician.

And yeah, as it happens very often in the industry I had to change jobs several times, 6 times in my case. It wasn’t easy, actually. I felt threatened at every job, because each boss of mine just wanted to make money, and they don’t care for their staff. That’s true.

It can’t go on, I knew that. But I didn’t know how to change that. Not so long ago, I’ve found out about dropshipping, it was pure luck I guess and I’ve recently started my first store.

a picture showing how fast Sam has achieved success in ecommerce and pulled his wife out of depression

– How does your store perform now? Can you say that you’ve found what you need?

– I can’t say this is a big success, but I’m sure I’m on the right track. I made 5 sales in my first week. Well, it might not look like much, but my budget was a total of 0. Then I had a two week gap, no sales at all. Yet during July and August I’ve made 34 sales in general and I’m planning to do more in the future, working on it.

I’m glad to be where I am now. And I can’t express how much thankful I am to my son and my wife for all the support they’ve given me. They’ll probably never know how much.

Samuel’s giving us a big smile while he’s sharing the details and the screen of his store’s admin panel with the impressive results. We’re listening and encouraged to learn more, but we see in his eyes and we hear it in his voice that’s a bit trembling, that there’s a much deeper story behind it all, we however just keep on going with the interview as we usually do with our clients.

– Samuel, thanks for all the details you give, this is crazy! You’ve mentioned that you’ve changed your jobs 6 times…We all remember the covid-19 times well, businesses all over the world struggled, how was the time for you and your family?

– Yeah, absolutely, what I wanna say is that, yeah, covid was a tough time for me, the hardest for us I’d say, because 3 of those 6 job changes happened during the years 19 to 21, for almost a year I had to combine my main job as a technician with working as a delivery driver part time.

a picture showing a car shop and service

It wasn’t okay for me, I won’t recommend the experience to anyone. And what’s worse is that in March, 2022, when I just started to feel like I was getting back to my normal pretty stable life, I started to have problems at work again, and that same year we also found out that Courtney, my wife, was pregnant, she also started to have problems with her health at the time, so it all was like a drop of a bombshell for us when I lost my job again and I mean it when I say it.

Just by some crazy coincidence, a couple of weeks later I was at my friend’s, we were just watching basketball as we usually do and he’d just randomly mention how he’s discovered dropshipping and wasn’t sure if to try it or not, so when I got back home i googled it and found your guys’s website, and I saw there was a free trial and, you know, I didn’t even hesitate a second.

I chose to sell the first thing that came to my mind, vacuum cleaners. Don’t even remember why, just read somewhere that it would be profitable.

a picture showing a product that let Sam achieve 34 sales in a week

And I was that-level desperate and the next 24 hours I spent in front of my laptop, I wanted to sleep, I overslept for my part-time work (they didn’t fire me though!), but I launched my first TikTok post that I sent to all my friends and cousins and neighbors. And that’s how the business got me 5 sales and immediately became my life raft.

a picture showing how much sales Sam got within several days

Well, what you see on the screen is what I got with my own hands on my first week but I must say I’ve cheated a bit. I didn’t make the ad myself, I just took the one I saw at your guys’s YouTube channel and copied it, but your support service told me it was okay if I’d do it.

a picture showing how to get sales with one tiktok post

I got a pack of free lessons on promotion [Samuel means our Marketing Academy here] because I didn’t know how to launch ads, this was my first experience. So I didn’t know how to launch ads, so I got it and it worked. Well, sorry but honestly I didn’t believe it would work so well until it did.

– No words, Samuel, this is insane! It always stuns us when someone just starts doing something out of pure desire, passion, and determination. What you’ve done is not just a profitable business in no time, but an act of freedom, something that changes your life once and for all. Sam, if you have anything to say to other people out there who’re just like you, just starting out, please, you’re welcome: maybe a recommendation or your personal motivation…

Guys, I don’t want to go into details here, all I can say is just do it.

It’s just, you know, to see our son smiling now and running and jumping all over the place. Courtney had to go through lots of complicated medical procedures, my store literally paid off her medications partly, and we went through the period of Courtney’s postpartum depression together, and she’s now much better and she’s a hero. I’m so-so very proud of her and our son. And of course, we wouldn’t be so happy now if I haven’t started my first ever dropshipping business, and I’m up for growing and upscaling! And I wish to every man out there who’s not okay with their life: find the force to get you up and start doing what you want, you only live once. I wish you reach the same level of happiness that I’m at now!”

At this point of our zoom meeting we already had our jaws dropped. Those personal life details are shocking so we just gathered around for Samuel and simply gave him and his family a round of applause, because, well, we believe words are just not enough this time.

– Sam, first of all, we’re so sorry for all the struggles your family has gone through, and well, this round of applause, we hope you remember if you ever feel down, because your wife Courtney and your son Nick and you, you’re amazing guys, you go guys! We are sure your story will be remembered not only by us, but by hundreds of thousands of our readers. Thanks for sharing and wishing you the best of luck!

Feeling a bit…weird after Samuel’s story of ups and downs? That’s okay. We are still emotional too, but what matters now is to learn something from Sam’s experience.

Sam has never heard about dropshipping till this month and just did a successful leap of faith randomly opening a free-trial store with Sellvia as a supplier.

Sam launched his 14-day free trial store when googled the term “dropshipping” for the first time in his life. Of course, when he found out that it’s needed to promote a store to get profits, for the moment he was dumbfounded. However, he also discovered Sellvia’s Marketing Academy with step-by-step tutorials on promotion, and that’s how he started making his first sales in the first week!

Sam is still on his free trial period, and he has already made 12 sales at the end of the first week.

Such stories are always taken for the soul because they force us to experience genuine emotions. So does the journey of Samuel. It proves that the lifeline can be found in the most unexpected parth, and this is only your desire that matters. So dream, work, get and grow your businesses, live your best lives, and let our team help you on your way to success! Good luck!

by Artemis K.
Artemis isn't just a senior copywriter at Sellvia, he's an ecommerce storyteller. With his BA in International Communication and MA in Advertising, he journeyed from the petrochemical industry to a purpose-driven role at Sellvia. Today, he crafts content that doesn’t just guide people to start successful ventures but helps them amplify their dreams, tap into their full potential, and see that success is much closer than it appears.
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