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Case Studies

How We Made $6K In 10 Days With Instagram Promotions [Case Study]

by Olga L. | | 5 min read

What makes Instagram such a good fit for an ecommerce business promotion? And how do you make the most of it if you have little experience – and a brand new online store with no sales or visitors yet? Check out a new case study from our team!

What is this Instagram influencer’s case about?

Today, we’ll be talking about promoting a new online store that sells one-of-a-kind fashion clothes with signature designs.

The Every Trend Store represents a vibrant brand of standalone apparel for bright, outgoing women.


These are the clothes designed for ambitious and bold buyers who love being the center of attention and enjoy dressing up. We wanted these unique prints to make a statement and serve as a source of inspiration for our wonderful customers!


That’s why we decided to try promoting the store on social media, namely Instagram. These are the channels our potential audience uses actively – and these are the perfect platforms to share beautiful visuals and captivating messages.

Case study objective: to increase brand awareness and drive sales for the Every Trend Store through Instagram influencer marketing.

Why Instagram?

Let’s start with some essential data: what makes Instagram such a desirable choice for ecommerce marketers?

  • Instagram is the world’s 4th most popular social media platform
  • There are 159.7 million Instagram users in the US
  • 55.6% of the US Instagram users are female
  • 83% of Instagrammers use it to discover new products or services
  • For 81% of Instagram users, it’s an instrument for researching new products and services
  • 80% use Instagram to decide whether to buy a product or service

So, it’s an influential social media that attracts millions of people and makes a huge impact on their daily lives and shopping preferences. But why is it a good fit for our brand in particular?

The reasons for us to choose Instagram for the fashion store promotion are simple. 

Get exact copies of the PROVEN marketing campaigns already bringing us up to $15K/mo – and advertise with no hassle!

First, it’s the platform our target audience uses actively: reports say, on average, a person spends 28 minutes per day on the app!

Second, it’s just the right destination to showcase our brand values and message. Buying clothes online, people pay close attention to the look and feel the apparel creates. As Instagram supports all kinds of visuals, from static posts to more dynamic reels and stories, it allows not only showing the product in detail, but also appealing to a specific lifestyle or even a state of mind.

Third, Instagram is full of influencers who can shift people’s opinions, decision-making processes, and purchasing choices. Collaborating with them, we get an opportunity to connect to our potential customers through a familiar (and powerful) source – and thus, boost our chances to succeed.

Our strategy

  • Identify relevant Instagram influencers

We looked for Instagram influencers who had a large following of fashion-conscious women and a style that aligned with the brand’s aesthetic. You can use tools such as Instagram’s search function and hashtags to find relevant influencers.


  • Reach out to these influencers

We contacted the owners of these accounts to introduce our brand and propose a collaboration. We offered them free products, as well as a certain commission, in exchange for them promoting our product on their channels. They were asked to make posts featuring our clothing on their Instagram feed and/or Instagram stories — just like you can see here:


And below, you’ll see a screenshot of an Instagram Story posted in an influencer’s account with 200K+ followers and featuring the link to our store:

Instagram ecommerce Story example

Similar entries were published as Reels and posts on multiple other accounts. Of course, we were engaging with the influencers’ content and responding to comments on their posts to build a relationship with them and their followers.

What about content?

The influencers we partnered with didn’t provide the ad content themselves: rather, we prepared ready texts, videos, and images for them to use.

For the text part, we used brief and engaging messages using the language our audience speaks:

Hey ladies, let’s be bold and live life to the fullest! Every Trend Store offers you the perfect opportunity to express your unique style with their amazing range of vibrant and fashionable women’s apparel. Check it out now!

Celebrate the beauty of life with Every Trend Store! Their unique designs and vibrant colors will bring a smile to your face and make you feel beautiful and confident. Shop with them and make every day a colorful one!


And for the visuals, we created fancy videos that demonstrated our clothes and highlighted the brand values to convey the ideas we’re supporting.


The response was overwhelming. We tracked the success of the influencer campaigns through analytics provided by Instagram, such as reach, engagement, and website clicks. Judging by these, our products were being seen by thousands of people and sales started to skyrocket. Check out the number of likes for this post, for example:

Instagram ecommerce post stats

The influencer posts generated high engagement, with many followers expressing interest in the clothing and asking where they could purchase it. Therefore, we saw a significant increase in brand awareness and website traffic through the Instagram influencer campaigns.

Don’t lose your hard-earned money on experimenting with ad campaigns! Just replicate our top-selling ads and start converting.

Ultimately, the influencer campaigns resulted in a noticeable increase in sales: we saw a total revenue of over $6,000! 

Instagram ecommerce strategy results

Overall, these Instagram ecommerce campaign results are the following:

  • Revenue – $6,379
  • Orders – 53
  • Average order value – $120
  • Items sold – 127

Our Instagram ecommerce campaign was a success. We were able to reach a large audience and hit the milestone of $6,000 in revenue. Besides, we saw a significant increase in the number of Instagram followers which has continued to grow after the campaign ended. We are confident that our influence marketing strategy will continue to bear fruits in the future – and will inspire other newcomers to ecommerce to take action! By following these steps and continuously engaging with influencers and their followers, you can effectively promote your store with unique branded products on Instagram and drive sales through influencer marketing.

by Olga L.
Olga is a Copywriting Director at Sellvia. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business’ as an Advertising specialist, she puts years of her copywriting experience into making clear and informative guides, tutorials, and other educational materials for ecommerce newcomers worldwide.
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