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This Single Mom Runs Her Online Store While Working Part-Time
Success Stories

How A Single Mom Works From Home And Runs Successful Online Business

by Artemis K. | | 9 min read

Can a single mom manage working from home while also juggling a busy part-time job and taking care of her kids all on her own? Moms really are amazing! Today, let’s hear from Anne, a mom of two who’s also running a new online business. Even though she’s new to selling things online, she’s already seeing some success with her online store. How does she do it?

Hi, please, introduce yourself!

Hi, I’m Anne. I’m 38 and a single mom from France. I work part-time as an animator for children in a town near my home, which leaves me enough time to manage my dropshipping store.

What was your experience with online selling when you started your store?

Before I started dropshipping, I didn’t have much experience with business. I used to sell my own stuff second-hand on websites like Vinted and LeBoncoin, but that’s different from what I’m doing now.

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Why did you go for dropshipping as your business model?

I chose dropshipping for a few reasons. I don’t have space at home to store products. With dropshipping, I don’t have to worry about that! Also, I save money on shipping because the company I work with takes care of it; I don’t have to pay for shipping from my place to the customer. Plus, I wanted to work from home to balance my part-time job with my business, and dropshipping lets me do that. As someone who likes being at home, I’m happy there’s an option for single moms like me to work from home!

How did everything begin?

It all started in January, when I was searching for a way to earn extra money alongside my part-time job entertaining kids. I was struggling to make ends meet each month and really needed a second job to support my two kids. The idea of doing business online came to me right away. I don’t have any sales training, but I enjoy managing my finances and seeing profits.

I began by looking for products to sell. It took me a while, but I finally found products that resonated with me and matched my personality and values. Then, I did a lot of research on how to sell products online. I wanted to know: what’s the best platform for me? Should I use a marketplace, second-hand sales sites, or create my own online store? I had some experience with dropshipping and knew it was the right choice for me!

During my online search, I found Sellvia and read blog articles about how Sellvia works, and it seemed like a great option. I didn’t know anything about coding or creating an online store with WordPress, so Sellvia seemed like the perfect solution for someone like me who’s new to sales. I decided to get a ready-made store, so I ordered the basic package with hosting. In November, I got my turnkey store, and I was thrilled to see everything start!

Do you remember your first sale?

My first sale came from a friend, which was really exciting because he was my first supporter! He bought two items from my store, and it made me incredibly happy! It happened a few days after I launched the store and spread the word about it to people I knew: family, friends, coworkers, and even professionals I met while looking for jobs.

That first sale was a big deal. It showed that what I’m selling matches what people want and need. It gave me confidence in the future of my store. I tend to worry and plan ahead a lot, so that first purchase was reassuring for me. It confirmed that starting my dropshipping store and choosing the products to sell were good decisions.

How’s your business doing now?

I currently have just one store, and it’s been running for a few months.


The pandemic slowed down my sales for about two weeks, but I’m hopeful things will pick up soon. Right now, I’m focusing on improving my advertising on social media and the internet for this store. But in the future, I plan to open another store with a different focus!

What’s your product strategy?

I choose products that I personally find appealing and that are in demand. I look for trendy items that people need and that have good quality and customer reviews, usually with ratings over 4.5 stars. Also, I make sure to work with highly rated suppliers.

I add new products when I notice a need or when someone asks me if I sell something specific. I set prices to make a reasonable profit without making the products too expensive for people with tight budgets.

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How do you promote your store?

Google Ads is the most effective channel for me, so I create ads for Google searches and affiliated sites like YouTube. I also regularly promote my products on Facebook.

I use Google Ads and Facebook stats to understand my target audience, including their age, gender, and location. It’s very helpful. On average, I spend about €60 per month on promoting my store. The toughest part for me is consistently getting new customers. My niche is quite specific, and I only target buyers in France. I know I’ll have to step up my efforts and use platforms like Pinterest and Instagram to reach new customers.

When it comes to managing things, does this business model make it easy for a single mom to work from home?

Sellvia has been incredibly helpful in running my business. It’s clear, efficient, and easy to use. I couldn’t have done it without their support! If I hadn’t used Sellvia, I would have needed to hire a WordPress specialist and a marketing expert, which would have been much more expensive. The plugins I got with Sellvia are perfect for me to develop my shop at my own pace. Everything is user-friendly, even for someone like me who’s new to this.

I spend between 4 and 8 hours a day managing my store, and I enjoy it! I work on refining product descriptions, improving SEO, adding or removing products, keeping track of statistics, answering customer messages, managing accounts, and creating invoices.

Writing product descriptions takes up most of my time because I’m a perfectionist and want everything to be just right for customers and for SEO. Like any entrepreneur, I’ve dealt with some challenging clients. I always stay polite and offer different solutions for them to choose from. If we resolve things quickly, I often give them a discount coupon to apologize for any inconvenience.

Did you officially register your business?

Yes, I did. There are many legal requirements in France. We have to register with Customs and get insurance. We need to report turnover every month or every three months. The website must comply with GDPR regulations with specific criteria. A separate bank account is required for the company, and invoices must include certain legal information.

How has your life changed?

Creating my store gave me a new purpose in life. Before, I had a lot of free time with my part-time job and felt like I was going in circles. Now, I love starting my day by being there for my kids without rushing, and then managing my store at my own pace until the evening! My family and friends are supportive and give me helpful advice. I’m not selling as much as I’d like yet, but I believe my hard work will pay off soon. I hope my store will become very successful, allowing me to open a second one in the future!

What advice do you have for our readers – those with stores and those thinking about starting one?

My advice is to trust yourself and go for what makes you happy! Even if you’re not selling as much as you’d like yet, the personal growth from this experience is invaluable. So… Can a single mom work from home and earn extra income while taking care of her family and having a part-time job? Anne’s experience shows it’s possible to become an independent online business owner even without much experience. We’re proud to be part of her journey and wish her continued success!

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by Artemis K.
Artemis isn't just a senior copywriter at Sellvia, he's an ecommerce storyteller. With his BA in International Communication and MA in Advertising, he journeyed from the petrochemical industry to a purpose-driven role at Sellvia. Today, he crafts content that doesn’t just guide people to start successful ventures but helps them amplify their dreams, tap into their full potential, and see that success is much closer than it appears.
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