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Step-By-Step Guide To More Customers And Sales With Social Media Marketing

by Denis K. | | 20 min read

Welcome to the ultimate guide to social media marketing for your dropshipping business!

With 6.4 billion people online and social sales in the US reaching $36.6 billion in 2021, the opportunity for your business is huge. Social media can get you more visitors and buyers than you’ve imagined, with a conversion rate three times higher than usual.

Let’s get started on making your brand a hit on social media!

Best social media platforms to attract customers and make more sales

Social media marketing statistics

Each platform offers unique opportunities making it essential to understand their nuances. Here’s a breakdown of key platforms, packed with insights, trends, and tips to guide your social media promotion.



Here’s what you need to know about Facebook:

  • Facebook is the primary choice for marketers globally, with 89% using the platform, closely followed by Instagram at 80%.
  • As of the third quarter of 2023, Facebook’s user base is unparalleled, boasting approximately 3.05 billion monthly active users.
  • The average American spends about 31 minutes per day on Facebook, highlighting its engagement potential.
  • Around 60% of the world’s social media ad money goes to Facebook.
  • The users are mostly split into 56.3% men and 43.7% women, with a lot of them aged 25-34 in the US.

Here’s a look at how you can use Facebook for free to boost your online store, increase sales and connect with your customers.

How to create a Facebook business page in 2024 Learn Now

Create and share engaging content

Regularly post engaging content that resonates with your audience. Here are several examples of engaging content you can post on Facebook:

  • Product highlights: Share detailed posts about the features and benefits of your products. Include high-quality images or videos to showcase them in action.


  • Behind-the-scenes: Give your followers a peek behind the curtain. Share videos or photos of your products or the making of a product. Quick tip: you don’t need to possess the product physically to make the “behind-the-scenes” content. You can just find someone else’s content showcasing the same product and ask them if you could repost it or share it on yourbehalf, could also turn into a great collaboration start too.


  • How-to guides: Create informative content that helps your audience understand how to use your products more effectively or solve related problems.
  • Customer testimonials: Share stories and feedback from happy customers. Real-life experiences can significantly boost credibility and trust in your brand.


  • Polls and surveys: Ask your followers their opinions with polls or surveys. It’s a fun way to engage them and gather valuable insights.
  • Industry news and insights: Share your take on the latest trends and news in your industry. This positions your brand as a knowledgeable and relevant player.
  • Contests and giveaways: Engage your audience with exciting contests or giveaways. It’s an effective way to increase engagement and reward your followers.
  • Educational content: Post articles, infographics, or videos that educate your audience on topics related to your products or industry.
  • Seasonal or holiday posts: Celebrate holidays and seasons with themed content. This can include special offers, festive messages, or seasonal product highlights.

Each piece of content should aim to inform, entertain, or inspire your audience, fostering a stronger connection between them and your brand.

Use facebook groups

Participate in or create Facebook Groups related to your niche. This can be a great way to connect directly with interested users and share your expertise.

Host live sessions


Live Q&A Sessions: Host live sessions where you answer questions about your products. It’s a great way to engage directly with your audience. Facebook Live is a powerful tool to connect in real time with your audience, offering Q&A sessions, product demonstrations, or simply a chat to increase engagement.

Use Facebook stories

Share content on your page’s Stories to keep your audience engaged with timely updates or sneak peeks.

This platform gives you many ways to make your online store more visible and engaging. Engaging your audience with good and clever content can really help grow your brand and increase sales on Facebook.



Instagram’s user base of 2 billion monthly active users reflects its critical role in social media marketing.

Consider these statistics:

  • Instagram is tied with Facebook for delivering the highest ROI among social media platforms.
  • The platform sees a significant user base aged 25-34 in the US, making up 27.4% of its audience.
  • Globally, 61.1% of Instagram users are aged 18-34, with a majority identifying as male.
  • Instagram Reels are surpassing traditional posts in likes and saves, signaling the importance of video content.
  • Engagement rates on Instagram are four times higher than those on Facebook.

Instagram provides a rich suite of tools to engage and grow your audience at no cost. Here’s how to use these opportunities:

How to create an Instagram business page in 2024 Get Started

Optimize your bio

A well-written bio tells visitors what your business is all about and what you offer, guiding them on why they should care. Including a link to your online store is essential, as it easily turns curious visitors into potential buyers by providing them easy access to your products.


Essentially, your bio acts as a welcoming storefront sign, inviting people in and directing them to where they can make a purchase, making it a key element in converting followers into customers. Here are a few excellent examples:


Post high-quality content

Regularly share high-quality photos and videos that reflect your brand’s aesthetic. Here are several engaging content ideas for Instagram that can resonate with your audience:

  • Eye-catching product shots: Showcase your products with visually appealing photos or videos, using creative angles and lighting to make them stand out.


  • Stories takeovers: Let influencers or team members take over your Instagram Stories for a day to offer fresh perspectives and content to your followers.
  • Behind-the-scenes stories: Share moments from your business operations, product creation process, or team activities to build a more personal connection.
  • User-generated content: Repost content from your customers using your products. It’s authentic, relatable, and encourages more customers to share their experiences.
  • Interactive polls and questions in stories: Use Instagram’s interactive features like polls, questions, or quizzes to engage directly with your audience and gather feedback.
  • Tutorial videos: Post short how-to videos or tutorials related to your products or services, providing valuable information in an engaging way.
  • Inspirational quotes: Share motivational quotes or messages that align with your brand values. Pair them with compelling visuals for more impact.
  • Instagram reels: Leverage the power of Reels for short, engaging videos that highlight product features, share tips, or join trending challenges.
  • Before-and-after posts: If your product transforms or improves something, before-and-after images can visually demonstrate its effectiveness.
  • Instagram live sessions: Go live to introduce new products, host Q&A sessions, or just chat with your followers. It’s a great way to add a real-time, interactive element to your content strategy.
  • Seasonal and holiday content: Celebrate seasons and holidays with themed posts, offering special promotions or just spreading festive cheer.
  • Collaborations and shoutouts: Collaborate with other brands or influencers and share content that benefits both parties and offers something new to your followers.

Creating content that’s not only visually appealing but also interactive and valuable will help you engage your Instagram audience more effectively.

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Use hashtags wisely

Incorporate relevant hashtags # to make your posts more discoverable to those who don’t follow you yet. Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but quality over quantity prevails.

Engage with your community

Respond to comments on your posts, engage with your followers’ content, and participate in conversations. This builds relationships and encourages loyalty.

Collaborate with influencers

Partner with influencers who align with your brand to reach new audiences. Even unpaid collaborations can yield significant visibility.



​​TikTok is becoming a must-use for brands because of its growing popularity and super engaged users.

How to use TikTok marketing to make your business go VIRAL Explore Now

Key statistics include:

  • It’s expected to hit over 2 billion users by 2024, showing its growing reach.
  • Android users worldwide use it the most, spending about 34 hours a month scrolling through.
  • Almost half its users (48%) are women, mainly in the 18-24 age range.
  • It’s also the second top app for videos, just looking at how many people are on it.

TikTok has become an irreplaceable platform for brands looking to tap into a vibrant, engaging community. With its unique format and highly active user base, TikTok offers many ways to showcase your business and connect with potential customers. Here’s how to use TikTok for your business’s advantage!

Maximizing TikTok without spending a dime revolves around creativity and engagement. Produce original, entertaining, or informative videos that highlight your brand’s personality and products. Even a simple, low-quality video can skyrocket to millions of views, thanks to its powerful algorithm. All it takes is a little bit of persistence to post regularly. You can try posting from once to even up to ten times per day, simply because usually one in every five videos hits the recommended tab. And that’s the spot where you’ll find all your potential customers.

It’s all about being genuine and creative – quality matters less than your message and authenticity. Here are some tips on how to make a viral video:

Find your angle

What’s unique about your video? Even a simple idea can capture attention if it’s interesting or relatable.

Keep it short

The best TikTok videos are brief and to the point. Grab attention in the first few seconds.

Use trending sounds

Incorporate popular music or sounds to increase your video’s discoverability.

Engage with trends

Jump on trending challenges or themes, adding your unique twist. It’s a fun way to show your brand’s relevance and can help your content go viral.

Post at the right time

Share your video when your audience is most active for maximum reach.


Engage with comments and other creators. Community interaction can boost your video’s visibility.

Utilize hashtags 

Like other platforms, hashtags # increase your visibility. Use popular and relevant hashtags to get your content in front of more eyes.

Collaborate with TikTok creators

Partnering with influencers can boost your reach. Many are open to barter agreements or smaller collaborations that won’t break the bank.

Engage with your audience

Respond to comments, engage with followers’ content, and use features like TikTok’s Q&A to build a community around your brand.

Just one video can make all the difference. Get creative, jump in, and watch the views roll in!

Sponsored influencer content

Beyond organic collaborations, consider paid partnerships with TikTok influencers. Their established audiences and content expertise can drive significant engagement and conversions.

How to optimize your TikTok account

Setting up your TikTok account properly is the first step towards effective TikTok marketing. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

  • Optimize your username: Make your username as close as possible to your brand name, ideally identical, to maintain consistency across social media platforms.
  • Bio: Your bio should succinctly convey what your business offers and its value to the customer. Highlight how your business stands out and can benefit the viewer.
  • Include social links: Link to your other social media profiles to encourage cross-platform engagement.

By embracing the opportunities TikTok offers, you can create a compelling presence that resonates with its dynamic audience.

Whether through captivating content, or strategic hashtag use, TikTok opens up a world of possibilities for showcasing your brand and engaging with potential customers in a profoundly impactful way.

X (formerly Twitter)


X, taking over from Twitter, is still key for news, memes, and talking to brands.

Here are the quick facts:

  • X has around 619 million users globally.
  • About 53% use it for news, and 63% of those are men.

Twitter, known for its real-time communication and engagement, presents a dynamic platform for businesses to connect with their audience.

Establishing your Twitter business presence

Before tapping into Twitter’s vast potential for engagement and advertising, setting up a professional business profile is essential.

Here’s a straightforward guide to creating your Twitter business page:

How to create business page on Twitter Start Today

Create or log into your profile

Start with your existing Twitter account or create a new one to serve as the foundation for your business presence.

Customize your profile

Access your profile settings by clicking “Profile” then “Set up profile.” This is where you’ll give your brand a face and voice.

Upload profile and header images

Choose a profile photo (usually your logo) and a header image that represents your brand’s ethos and appeal.

Write your bio

Your bio is a chance to succinctly communicate what your brand is about, what sets you apart, and why people should follow you. Ensure you include a link to your online store to drive traffic directly from your profile.

Here’s how to navigate Twitter, using both its no-cost features and paid advertising options to elevate your online store.

Twitter’s free tools offer powerful ways to engage with your audience, build your brand, and drive traffic to your store.

Here’s how to utilize Twitter effectively without spending a dime:

  • Tweet regularly: Keep your audience engaged with regular tweets. Share updates, industry news, and content that adds value to your followers.
  • Engage in conversations: Actively participate in relevant discussions. Use hashtags to join broader conversations and reply to tweets from your followers and within your niche.
  • Utilize Twitter polls: Engage your audience with polls to gain insights into their preferences or just to spark interaction.
  • Use hashtags: Use targeted hashtags to increase the visibility of your tweets beyond your current followers.
  • Host Twitter chats: Organize or participate in Twitter chats related to your industry to establish your brand as a thought leader.



YouTube stands tall in the social media world, drawing in crowds with its wide range of videos. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • With over 2.5 billion users each month, only Facebook has a bigger audience, making YouTube key for online marketing.
  • People really dive into YouTube, watching for about 48.7 minutes a day.
  • It has a mix of viewers, with 35.7% between 18 and 34 years old, and another 46.4% older than 35.
  • YouTube also makes a lot from ads, pulling in almost $30 billion in 2022, which puts it right behind Facebook.

YouTube stands as a pivotal platform for ecommerce businesses aiming to showcase their products through reviews, unboxing videos, and other engaging content. Not only can these videos help persuade viewers of your products’ value, but they can also be repurposed across social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook for broader reach.

Creating and optimizing your YouTube channel

To effectively use YouTube for marketing your ecommerce site, you don’t need to go PRO. It’s enough to use just some YouTube functions and go viral.

Yes, we’re talking about short videos again, on YouTube they’re called YouTube Shorts.

All you need is to order ones of the most interesting/unusual products your store sells and film as many short videos as possible, adding background music and the link to your store. The link to your store should also be located on your YouTube Channel’s page. So let’s see how you create a YouTube channel first.

How to create a YouTube channel for beginners (step-by-step tutorial) Start Growing

And here’s how to post Shorts.

How to make a YouTube Short – complete beginner guide Unleash Potential

Maximizing YouTube for your business doesn’t necessarily require a large budget. Here are impactful strategies to use the platform at no cost:

Publish content

Focus on creating videos that add value. Here are several examples of engaging content you can create for YouTube:

  • Product demos and reviews: Create videos showing how your products work, their features, and benefits. Honest reviews can help viewers make informed purchasing decisions, all the same as for Instagram, TikTok, etc.
  • Challenges and trends: Participate in popular YouTube challenges or trends that align with your brand, adding your unique twist.
  • Live streams: Go live to engage with your audience in real-time. You can host Q&A sessions, product launches, or special events.

Remember, consistency is key on YouTube. Regularly posting quality content that adds value for your viewers can help build a loyal subscriber base and drive engagement for your brand.



Often overlooked, Pinterest’s vast, engaged, and diverse audience makes it a goldmine for marketers.

Here are the numbers:

  • Monthly, Pinterest attracts 482 million users, with a significant female user base of 76.2%.
  • December 2023 alone saw nearly 1.2 billion visits, showcasing its high engagement and reach.
  • It ranks as the third-most visited social media site in the US, with 80% of weekly users discovering new brands or products on the platform.

Pinterest is a unique beast in the social media landscape, offering a visually driven platform that acts as a powerful tool for ecommerce businesses. By leveraging both its free and paid features, brands can showcase their products, drive traffic to their online stores, and ultimately boost sales. Here’s how to make the most of Pinterest for your business.

To kick off your Pinterest marketing journey, here are key steps to follow:

Optimize your Pinterest business account

Make sure your account is set up with a focus on your brand, including a relevant profile picture, bio, and links to your website and other social media. Here’s how you do it right and quickly:

How to create an optimized Pinterest business account (for small businesses) Transform Business

Create boards that reflect your brand

Organize your pins into boards based on themes, product categories, or interests that align with your target audience.

Pin regularly

Consistency is key on Pinterest. Regular pinning keeps your content fresh and increases your visibility on the platform.

Utilizing Pinterest effectively doesn’t have to cost anything. Here’s how to use the platform for free:

  • Create visually appealing pins: Since Pinterest is all about visuals, high-quality, eye-catching pins are a must. These should accurately represent your brand and products.
  • Utilize rich pins: Rich Pins provide more context about an idea because they include extra information directly on the pin. For ecommerce, use Product Pins to display prices, availability, and product descriptions to inform potential buyers.
  • Shop the look pins: These pins allow users to shop the products featured in your pins. Each item in the image is tagged with a link directly to a purchase page, making it easier for users to buy.
  • Engage with your audience: Like other social platforms, Pinterest values community. Repin content from others, engage with comments on your pins, and follow relevant boards to increase your visibility.

Each social platform, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, and Pinterest, offers its own perks for marketing. By understanding the specific dynamics and audience preferences of platforms, marketers can create strong, effective campaigns.

To delve deeper into both free and paid social media marketing strategies and discover a wealth of insights that can take your business to new heights, we invite you to visit the Sellvia Marketing Academy. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing efforts, the Academy offers an extensive range of resources designed to empower ecommerce entrepreneurs like you. From detailed guides on platform-specific tactics to comprehensive strategies for enhancing your overall digital presence, the Sellvia Marketing Academy is your go-to resource for elevating your online store’s success. Explore now and unlock the full potential of your ecommerce venture!

How to increase your sales with the power of influencer marketing

cover on social media influencers to attract more customers and sales

Influencer marketing has quickly become essential for brands wanting to grow their visibility and trust. By working with influencers, who have large and engaged social media followings, brands can use their influence to sway buyers’ choices and opinions on products, services, or trends.

Influencers vary widely in their reach, niche, and impact, offering diverse opportunities for collaboration:

  • By follower size:

Mega-influencers: Celebrities or high-profile personalities with over 1 million followers.

Macro-influencers: Established content creators with followers ranging from 100,000 to 1 million.

Micro-influencers: Niche experts with 1,000 to 100,000 followers, known for high engagement rates.

Nano-influencers: Community-focused individuals with less than 1,000 followers, offering a close-knit and engaged audience.

  • By niche or industry

From fashion and beauty to tech and sustainability, influencers specialize in various fields, aligning closely with their audience’s interests and values. Working with influencers can yield significant advantages for brands, such as:

  • Enhanced brand awareness: Introduce your brand to new, engaged audiences.
  • Authenticity and trust: Use the influencer’s trusted voice to lend credibility to your offerings.
  • Increased engagement: Benefit from content that resonates, driving likes, comments, and shares.
  • Targeted reach: Connect with specific consumer segments through niche influencers.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Achieve marketing goals efficiently, especially with micro- and nano-influencers.
  • SEO boost: Gain backlinks and mentions that can improve your online visibility and search rankings.

Effective platforms for influencer marketing

  • Instagram: Ideal for posts, Stories, and Reels.
  • YouTube: Perfect for detailed reviews, tutorials, and unboxings.
  • TikTok: Offers a stage for creative, short-form viral content.
  • Twitter & Facebook: Suitable for updates, announcements, and engaging posts.
  • Blogs: For in-depth reviews and sponsored content.

Launching a successful influencer campaign

  • Utilize creator tools: Platforms offer tools (e.g., Facebook and TikTok Creator Studio, YouTube Studio) for managing and analyzing content to optimize performance.
  • Keyword searches: Identify relevant influencers using platform-specific searches or third-party tools based on niche keywords.
  • Evaluate influencer alignment: Assess potential partners for fit with your brand in terms of niche, audience, engagement, and content quality.
  • Define clear goals: Establish what you aim to achieve, whether increasing brand visibility, driving sales, or growing your social following.
  • Collaborate on content creation: Work closely with influencers to develop authentic content that highlights your products while resonating with their audience.
  • Agree on compensation: Determine a fair compensation model, which could range from monetary payments to product gifting.
  • Measure success: Track campaign performance through engagement, conversions, and ROI metrics to inform future marketing decisions.

Influencer marketing opens a world of opportunities for online stores to connect with potential customers in a genuine and engaging manner. By strategically partnering with the right influencers, brands can harness the power of social proof to elevate their presence, drive sales, and build lasting relationships with their target audience.

As you dive into the world of social media marketing for your dropshipping business, remember, every step you take is a leap towards your goals. Make your brand stand out, engage with your audience, and grow your business. Best of luck on your journey! 

Earn big
by Denis K.
Denis is a copywriter at Sellvia. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business as a specialist in advertising, he explores the rapidly changing and evolving digital marketing industry and feels committed to sharing his findings with a wider reader’ audience.
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