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Success Stories

How Alex Flipped His Business On Flippa For A Crazy $99K! [Case Study]

by Artemis K. | | 6 min read

At Sellvia, we help aspiring entrepreneurs make their dreams. Whether ecommerce will suit you perfectly or you will decide to move further, it will thank you for taking part. This  dropshipping success story is about one of our clients, Alex, who dived into ecommerce as a hurricane, succeeded, and finished with a groundbreaking sale – he grew a 4K/month store and sold it for $99K. In all, the selling price exceeded the monthly revenue by 25 TIMES! How so? Let’s find it out!

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“Alex, your dropshipping success story is crazy! But how did you actually get into ecommerce at all?”

“Hello! My name is Alex. I’m 32 years old.

Frankly speaking, I’m a total newbie in ecommerce but it always intrigued me. I was surfing YouTube and watching ecommerce experts telling how to make a fortune. This is how I learned about Sellvia. Sellvia’s offer was quite tempting, so I decided to give it a try.

This is how my journey started”.

“Sellvia has become your guide through the world of ecommerce. So what were your initial steps?”

“Well, I knew that the online marketplace is dominated by giants. Yet others manage to succeed, why can’t I? Moreover, Sellvia offers resources to bypass logistics and other challenges – a massive relief. So I got my store and started to think of my product range. Thanks to Sellvia, it’s extremely easy to add products – a couple of clicks and it’s done.”

“How did you decide on your niche?”

a picture from a dropshipping success story showing what products helped Alex sell his store for $99K

So I tapped into the popular niche of imitation jewelry and accessories. It didn’t take me lots of time to make a decision. This niche won me over because this is a chance to do something valuable, you know, provide shoppers an affordable way to dazzle.”

“Your business saw remarkable growth in just a few months. How did that happen?”

a screenshot showing Alex's store track record that is a base of his dropshipping success story

“So I started in July 2016. Yet the sales momentum kicked in in August. First, I was rather casual about store management and promotion. By September, however, I recognized its vast potential and dedicated considerably more time to it. And by mid-October, I was all in. With all incredible tools at my disposal, by October 20, I’d witnessed a revenue of $6,000.”

“What strategies or tools helped drive most of your traffic and sales?”

“The plugin played a crucial role in the store management. It allowed me to drive traffic to my website due to social networks integrations and online engagements. I had no prior experience in social media marketing. So I learned the basics due to Sellvia’s Academy and my first activities brought results. I got an incredible amount of leads from my social media accounts. The guidelines by Sellvia really work.”

“We’re curious, what were some of your record-breaking sales achievements?”

“If memory serves, my record sales for a single day touched around $900. As for the highest for a week, it soared to $2,400.”

“Every new venture faces challenges. What issues did you face?”

“Of course, there were some challenges with payment gateways. Especially for someone with limited technical knowledge like me. However, diving into it, I easily solved them. By the way, I would like to thank Sellvia’s support team, they helped me a lot in solving issues.”

“From running successful stores to selling one on Flippa for an astonishing price – what’s the reason behind selling the store?”

“I didn’t intend to sell my business. I was acting as a spectator – I spent a couple of hours a day, and the store was growing. At some point, it became clear that the store had potential, but it required more time to make it grow. I even considered hiring assistants to manage the day-to-day operations. But nothing came of it.

The big moment came when I suddenly walked in on Flippa and found out how much such businesses cost. On one side, I had a business that was already put on track. It was bringing profit, that’s great. However there was a chance to hit the jackpot and then start again or try my hand at something else.

This is how I decided to list my business on Flippa. Then, something happened that I didn’t predict – it sold for a whopping $99,080! Just imagine: it exceeds the monthly revenue 25 times”.

Start, grow, sell: is this a business idea you deserve?

a picture showing a working from home girl who started a dropshipping business on Amazon as a side hustle

What if you are tired of doing your business or some other circumstances push you to give up? No big deal, actually! All you’ve done can’t be in vain – if so, selling your online business is an idea to consider. If you’re not sure, go to Flippa and check what your business value is.

Actually, there’s something more. What if you start a business, put it on track, and then sell? It doesn’t require lots of time and funds from you to do that, but results usually exceed any bold expectations!

This is a tempting business idea, isn’t it? Especially, if Sellvia comes into play with its free online store option – the option Alex made the most of.

Starting with Sellvia: your path to financial independence

How much does it cost to start an ecommerce business and put it on track? This is the most popular question we receive. Actually, starting a lucrative online business has never been easier.

With Sellvia, you can start your ecommerce business with zero investment.

  • Enjoy a 100% hassle-free start. We handle everything from A to Z based on your preferences.
  • Dive in with no prior experience. Your store operates efficiently, and management is straightforward even for beginners.
  • Attain financial independence. Unlock a supplementary income stream and elevate your lifestyle.

At the output, you get a fully-functioning online store you’ll easily grow and start gaining profit. What if you get tired of running your business? You can sell it at any moment. But wait, should you sell a business that brings profit on a permanent basis to get a one-time payment? You’re the boss.

Launching your online empire in four simple steps

a picture showing how to start a business with little money -- prelaunch secrets

  1. Subscribe to Sellvia Pro – Simply click on “Get my store for free” and finalize your Sellvia subscription (which comes with a free trial).
  2. Fill out our brief survey – Provide us with your preferences. Our experts get to work only when they’re fully informed.
  3. Receive your ready-to-operate store – Our dedicated team crafts a premium turnkey store tailored to your preferences within minutes.
  4. Kickstart your dropshipping success story – Schedule a complimentary training session with our experts, launch your site, stock it up with products, and start selling!

What does this dropshipping success story teach us? Alex’s journey shows that even a person with zero experience in ecommerce can start a business smoothly and grow it with minimum effort and knowledge. What’s next? It’s you who decides. What’s more important for you: get a stable profit on a permanent basis, or hit a jackpot once and start again. With dedication, the right tools, and a bit of guidance, you’ll easily succeed. Get a free online store from Sellvia and embark on your entrepreneurial journey now. Dive into ecommerce with confidence!

by Artemis K.
Artemis isn't just a senior copywriter at Sellvia, he's an ecommerce storyteller. With his BA in International Communication and MA in Advertising, he journeyed from the petrochemical industry to a purpose-driven role at Sellvia. Today, he crafts content that doesn’t just guide people to start successful ventures but helps them amplify their dreams, tap into their full potential, and see that success is much closer than it appears.
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