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Industry Tips

Bring Joy To Children And Their Parents With A Dropshipping Store Selling Unique Clothes

by Artemis K. | | 4 min read

Have you ever heard how total newcomers start their multi million businesses? In practice, a proper product idea is already half the success. In this case, you’re highly likely to start your dropshipping store or anything else with minimum effort and build your own financial empire. Examples? The founders of the Inktastic store on Amazon entered the market with two-three basic products which they gave their own vision. This is what allowed them to win the customers’ hearts and make $49,959.248.00 in no time. How to repeat or surpass their success? We have a number of options for you to start a business with zero competition and beat the market!

Products with high emotional power conquer the market

a picture showing how to sell unique products through your dropshipping store for profit

What’s the easiest way to start a business you’ll be proud of? A proper product idea is exactly what you need to enter the market and win the customers’ hearts.

Buyers love with their eyes, that’s for sure. This is the reason to start a dropshipping store or any other business based on products with high emotional power. Make your buyers fall in love with the products you sell and no one is going to leave your store empty-handed.

What are we talking about in particular? Are there any striking examples of such products? Baby stuff is exactly what you need!

Baby stuff as your big ticket to the world of business

Do you have children? If so, you know what this is about. Haven’t you already got this happiness? I’ll give you an example of my own — parents are willing to spend tons of money on baby outfits to make them look as cute as possible.

Little kids are kind of your own anti-stress. Once you take a look at your baby, the mood rises itself.

The founders of Inktastic decided to turn this feature work for them and started their own business. And it paid them off.

Baby stuff is a special affinity object regarding young parents and other shoppers willing to bring joy to children. How does this reflect in customer behavior? The results are evident: the number of ‘baby products’ search queries is over the roof!

a picture showing is it profitable to start a business with baby products

Having explored the market, they started their business by bringing unique products with their own vision to the customers. Time has shown that this was definitely the right direction!

According to the most conservative estimates, this strategy brought them almost $50,000,000.00 in a short time.

Actually, their product range is limited with a couple of products: these are onesies, hoodies, t-shirts, and bibs.


10,000 items in their catalog are the same products with different, custom prints aimed at a wide audience with different desires. Yet, all this stuff is united by the same idea — let customers bring the cuttiest outfits to their babies.

How to start a dropshipping store with baby stuff? Solved!

It’s extremely profitable to start a business with baby products, but how to move from the words to actions?

To let you get a smooth start with your dropshipping store, we are happy to reveal the secret behind baby stuff: there’re so-called empty niches.

Have you ever googled anything in vain? As for me, this often happens to me. Speaking about baby products, it’s all the same. Online shoppers willing to dress their children in a cute and unique way, look for different products nobody sells yet.

Sounds like a pity, doesn’t it? In fact, you can easily make this situation work for you by starting a business with no competition and helping people get access to the products they deserve!

Bring unique baby stuff to the market

a picture showing how to start a business and inspire people

Have you always dreamed of starting your own business, but something stops you from that? Some technical issues and things like that? Say no more! To enter the market with your unique products, you won’t have to face any issues regarding product designing and manufacturing, it’s all on us!

  • Don’t you know how to design your own unique products? We’ll take care of designing unique products for you that customers wish to buy online, but nobody sells them yet. This will let you enter the market with something special and win your customers’ hearts.
  • Do you lack equipment to create your products from scratch? We’ll look after all the technicalities regarding product manufacturing, packaging, shipping, etc. This is a chance for you to run your profitable business with no effort.
  • No idea how to get your audience? We’ll create an account on Amazon for you on request and upload your products there. Add Amazon business setup to your Premium Products package to let you enjoy all the benefits of selling through Amazon, the website where the majority of Americans shop online.

Check some of the mockups our team create for our clients to let them sell unique products people look for, but nobody sells yet, and win their customers’ hearts!


Millions of online customers look for baby stuff to make their kids look cute and unique, but can hardly find what they deserve. Have you always dreamed of doing something that really matters? If so, it’s time to start a business you’ll always be proud of — start selling your own, unique baby products through your dropshipping store with no effort!

by Artemis K.
Artemis isn't just a senior copywriter at Sellvia, he's an ecommerce storyteller. With his BA in International Communication and MA in Advertising, he journeyed from the petrochemical industry to a purpose-driven role at Sellvia. Today, he crafts content that doesn’t just guide people to start successful ventures but helps them amplify their dreams, tap into their full potential, and see that success is much closer than it appears.
Ed Youngblood October 10, 2022 20:51:17

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If so, What is the point of Sellvia?

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Artyom K. October 14, 2022 8:18:05

Hi, thank you for your interest!
The point of Sellvia is to let our clients sell unique items nobody else sells, hence to start a business with zero competition. We’re happy to create custom designs and take over all the manufacturing, packaging, and shipping issues to let you start and run a business with no effort. We help our clients build their own custom stores, yet selling on Amazon or selling on Etsy is an integral part of your business in case you wish to benefit from targeting each and every US citizen.

Abraham October 10, 2022 21:19:48

Can’t wait to have my store.

Artyom K. October 11, 2022 4:08:02

Hi, thank you for your interest!
To get your store, simply move to this page —
Or book a free call with our business advisors willing to give you the details —

John Ervin October 10, 2022 22:32:47

Thanks, need to talk to someone that can give me all the details.

Artyom K. October 11, 2022 4:16:23

Hi, thank you for your interest!
Let our business advisors contact you at any time convenient for you —

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