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Industry Tips

What Everyone Should Learn About Black Friday Marketing In 2022

by Artemis K. | | 7 min read

In business, it’s crucial to turn in the right place at the right time. You ask, are there any time periods when it’s a lot easier to boost your business and revenues? Yes, sure! If you pay particular attention to your Black Friday marketing activities now, you’ll definitely get incredible traffic and sales boost. Moreover, you’re just three steps away from your successful Black Friday marketing campaign!

This is time to boost your business with ease!

There’s an idea behind any business, that’s fact. This is the goal business owners worldwide go to every day. How do they measure their progress? This is all about the number of clients and, of course, revenues.

Do you wish to easily boost your business and finally see that you’re moving towards success? The point is, there are several time periods each year when you can easily convert your minimum efforts into ultra high performance of your business.

When do customers mostly shop online? Yes, it mostly happens on the eve of different holidays. Yet, the main peak of consumer activity falls on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

a picture showing that purchasing peaks happen on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Customers in the USA spent over $10 billion shopping online on Black Friday. This is your chance to boost your store’s revenues and take your business to the whole next level in no time. Will you miss such a chance? I hope you don’t. Moreover, you’re just several steps away from high traffic and revenues on Black Friday!

Road to success: Black Friday marketing activities ensuring sales growth

a picture showing the importance of Black Friday marketing activities for business

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Saint Francis

On Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the majority of online stores witness an incredible growth of traffic coming to their websites and, certainly, sales. How to let your online store benefit from all of that? It all starts with preparation.

To make the most of Black Friday marketing, it’s necessary to prepare your store thoroughly and start preparations in advance, and not in a couple of days before the holiday season.

Do you worry about getting ready for Black Friday because of lots of different actions you need to take? Not a big deal! We’re now going to tell you how to prepare your online store for Black Friday marketing in 3 steps!

3 steps aways from a flood of customers on Black Friday

a picture previewing the text on how to get floods of customers for your store

Preparations for Black Friday marketing take place in three simple stages.

Deliver your holiday sale to customers

Forewarned means forearmed. To count on floods of customers, you need to inform both new and loyal customers about your irresistible offers you’re working on for these days. When you email to your customers or make engaging posts on social media, feel free to show your buyers particular examples of popular products at tempting prices, combos, and other perks available only on a specific date.

How to reach each and every customer and drive all of them to your site? In practice, it’s better to inform your potential customers in several stages. First, you need to notify your customers about the upcoming sale well in advance. Then, you need to remind them about it shortly before Black Friday.

What are the perfect channels to touch all the potential customers? To reach as many new customers as possible, you’d better launch ad campaigns on Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. This approach has proved itself to be the most efficient and less time-consuming. Speaking about your loyal customers, the best way to inform them is email marketing.

Don’t you still benefit from email marketing campaigns? You should, actually! In practice, email marketing is your main assistant in your store’s promotion. The point is, finely customized once, it will drive floods of customers to your store for the years to come with no participation from you required.

This is why we recommend you treat this issue with your utmost responsibility because it’s your good long-term investment — our marketing experts are willing to set up for you email marketing campaigns that will drive only hot traffic to your website for the years to come.

Provide pleasant shopping experience

Pleasant shopping experience is what customers mostly look for. How to provide it for them? Shortly before the occasion takes place, it’s a good idea to check it all works on your part.

These days, people are hungry to buy absolutely different products on the most favorable terms.

This is why dozens of thousands of Internet users are going to visit your website, scroll down your catalog, surf your social media pages, etc. to detect tempting offerings you provide.

It seems to be such an obvious step, but, actually, entrepreneurs don’t pay particular attention to it, eliminating all their effort in no time. A bit of your attention is likely to cost you a fortune during Black Friday.

Be one step ahead of others

Preliminary preparation means you get active regarding contact with clients long before Black Friday. First of all, you need to review your product assortment and get it ready for holidays. What should you know to do that? Actually, nothing special.

1. Check what’s usually trending in your store

In every store, there are bestsellers. On holidays, primary demand growth will affect such kinds of items. You need to check whether you can make these offerings hotter and more beneficial for the customers to entice more users to buy from you.

The most important is that you need to be objective when reviewing your own offerings, whether they look really tempting for your customers or not.

2. Monitor what’s trending online

a picture showing how to make money with products nobody else sells

It’s always essential to follow global trends and offer products that are in strong demand. Speaking about holidays such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it’s a hundred fold more important because your website is about to witness much bigger traffic.

Don’t you know that there are absolutely empty niches? Yes, there are lots of them!

Our team permanently monitors the market to detect products people already look for but nobody offers yet. This is your chance to both boost your business with unique products nobody else sells, and help people get access to products they can find anywhere.

Do you wish to get a win-win, run a business you’ll be proud of? Enter the market with your own, unique products people expect from you!

Your unique products people can hardly find anywhere else

a picture showing what's trending online but nobody sells yet

Some businesses bring money and that’s it. Others let people be proud of what they’re doing with no profit we all count on. Is there any balance between making money and doing what really matters?

At Sellvia, we’re committed to helping you both make a fortune and make a difference: we’ll create for you unique products people look for, but nobody else offers!

  • First, we’ll find for you an empty niche with products people search for, but can hardly find, allowing you to avoid competition.
  • Next, we’ll design unique products for you to enter the market with and meet the customers’ needs.
  • Beyond that, we’ll take care of all the technicalities making entrepreneurs often give up their goals: manufacturing, packaging, and shipping. It’s all on us to let you run your business with no effort.
  • Bonus: you can add Amazon business setup to your Premium Product package. In this case, we’ll also upload these products to your account on Amazon allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of selling through Amazon, the number one trading floor in the USA.

a picture showing how to turn your Black Friday marketing activities into sales boost

There are some specific holidays throughout the year when business owners have to adapt their product range to if they want to stay on top. Speaking about your Black Friday marketing activities, it’s your chance to enter the market with the products people look for, but can hardly find, because at this period of time, your website is going to witness an enormous amount of traffic. Will you miss your big ticket?

by Artemis K.
Artemis isn't just a senior copywriter at Sellvia, he's an ecommerce storyteller. With his BA in International Communication and MA in Advertising, he journeyed from the petrochemical industry to a purpose-driven role at Sellvia. Today, he crafts content that doesn’t just guide people to start successful ventures but helps them amplify their dreams, tap into their full potential, and see that success is much closer than it appears.
Dasean September 13, 2022 8:08:13

Can I book a call with your marketing team?

Artyom K. September 14, 2022 5:13:07

Hi, thank you for your interest!
To book a call, feel free to move to this page and choose the time convenient for you —

Patricia October 3, 2022 9:18:35


Is there a Sellvia equivalent with a warehouse in Europe?
Thanks a lot

Artyom K. October 3, 2022 13:47:48

Hi, thank you for your interest!
We help our clients start a business in the USA because this is one of the most promising markets for that.
You can start selling in the USA wherever you’re located at.

Patricia October 5, 2022 9:09:16

Thank you for your reply. Yes I will implement one in the US, but also wanted to know for another shop if you offer an equivalent to Sellvia with a warehouse in Europe or if Sellvia can ship from the US to Europe (and benefit of shorter shipping time compared to China), maybe best if I contact your support. Thanks a lot

Artyom K. October 6, 2022 14:47:15

Hi, Patricia!
Feel free to contact our team at any time convenient for you —

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