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On Track For Etsy Success: Riccardo’s Premium Products Experience

by Olga L. | | 3 min read

When it comes to selling online, many entrepreneurs, both first-timers and experienced ones, consider Amazon as the top destination to be on. But what if we try thinking outside of the box? What if we take a look at other sites and marketplaces, the ones with lower competition and more opportunities for offering unique, hard-to-find products? This is exactly the approach that Riccardo, a complete newcomer to ecommerce, has tried with his three custom product lines – and it’s his Etsy success that motivated us to have a chat!

Hi, please introduce yourself!

Hey, I’m Riccardo Hytower, 38, from Richmond, Virginia. I work as an Associate in Environmental Science. I like to travel, I like to spend time with my family, I like to train my dogs when I can, and I LOVE riding motorcycles.


Why did you decide to start an online business?

What motivated me was noticing the trend towards online consumerism: it’s more efficient, more convenient, it’s something you can do in the comfort of your own home. Even from my personal experience, most of my transactions are online. I figured that’s the future, so why not dig into it?

Have you tried ecommerce before?

I only have minor experience using marketplace platforms such as Ebay and Facebook to sell my personal items.

I haven’t tried selling online on a large scale previously, but I’m glad that I chose Sellvia as my first experience. It’s better than I expected.

Why Sellvia?

Sellvia was one the first to pop up when I googled top ecommerce platforms. I did my research, read through, and I liked what I saw, how easy it was to get started, with everything provided for you. The done-for-you model Sellvia provides relieves all the hard work and research I would have had to do in order to compete in the online sales industry. As long as you’re dedicated and have a passion for selling, it’s pretty much a no-brainer.

Eventually, it became more of a personal experience, because the team actually wanted to see my success. I was always able to reach out to customer service if I had any additional questions. I feel like the model “You succeed, we succeed” is definitely a plus here.

So, what is your online business like, exactly?

I’m selling Premium Products by Sellvia: I’ve chosen them in order to diversify the line of products. Having my own unique patterns gives me a sense of identity beyond selling ordinary items. It helps me stand out from the rest.

I’m passionate about innovation and technology and I’m a fan of Elon Musk, and the unique themed illustrations provided by the Premium Packages were right up my alley. The imagery, the artistic work, the uniqueness of what was there was the perfect fit.

My other niche is an inspirational product line. I enjoy inspirational quotes and mantras that motivate people to view life in more positive ways. It’s what I am like as a person.

And finally, I chose the cute rabbit prints as a marketing strategy to broaden my range. I hope to be able to target children of all genders with these animal designs. Everyone loves rabbits!

Amazon is definitely the ideal place to have your items listed on – everyone wants to sell on Amazon. But for me, the primary selling place is Etsy.

Etsy success store performance

How has your Etsy success and the business in general influenced you?

Just knowing I have the possibility of achieving financial freedom one day and being able to provide more for my family removes a ton of burden and stress from my life. And it just gives you hope to see the future – online is everything, and everything is digital. I was greatly inspired by other success stories and I’m paying it forward with my story – I believe it’s the interactions we need to have more as a community.

These are wise words to say, and this is the mindset that leads to Etsy success, as much as efficient and fruitful selling on any other platform of your choice. Whatever online channel you choose, it’s the tailored product offering that makes or breaks your business future – and with Sellvia’s Premium Products, you’re in safe hands.

by Olga L.
Olga is a Copywriting Director at Sellvia. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business’ as an Advertising specialist, she puts years of her copywriting experience into making clear and informative guides, tutorials, and other educational materials for ecommerce newcomers worldwide.
Sez May 3, 2023 12:49:51

Do you have any news about Etsy integration? Cause I don’t prefer to order manually.

Artyom K. May 4, 2023 9:06:46

Hi, thank you for your interest!
Feel free to book a free call from our business advisors willing to give you details —

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