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How To Start A Business For Kids: Your Guide To A Children’s Clothes Store

by Olga L. | | 12 min read

Children’s clothes are a popular market as parents are always looking for high-quality, comfortable, and stylish clothing for their kids. Launching an online store that sells children’s clothes with unique prints is a fun and accessible business idea. You can easily try this one from the comfort of your own home! It’s a simple but effective way for newcomers to get into online entrepreneurship. By offering unique and original prints, you can differentiate yourself from other stores and offer something new and exciting to their target market. So, how do you start a business for kids with signature clothing prints? Let’s find out!

Why start a business in this niche?

First of all, we’ll discuss why this business idea can be a fitting choice even for ecommerce newcomers. For that, we’ll ask 3 amazing owners of kids & family online businesses to share their first-hand experience!

Rena: “This was an eye-opener for me”

a picture showing a lady who has started her ecommerce website she is proud of

Rena, a mom of two, had a life-changing experience of dealing with medical emergencies when her son went through a bone marrow transplant. Such life events make you rethink your priorities and views – and that’s exactly what Rena did.

It was a complicated journey for our family. I began thinking more broadly about what my gifts were, what my interests were, and thinking about ways to really utilize my gifts to their full potential and how that could benefit my family.

This gave Rena the idea of launching her own online business that would give her an extra source of income and a flexible schedule allowing more time with her family.

I decided to go with Sellvia because they make it easy for you. I wanted to solve the problem of just getting started and having the foundation with the right products to be successful.

“I believe it’s paying off”, Rena says. And we’re beyond excited to open up this opportunity for he and help her start a business that gives more than just money!

Curious to learn more? Read Rena’s full story here!

Ksenia: “This business is a perfect thing – especially for moms! – if you want to start something new”


A former hairdresser, Ksenia had no ecommerce knowledge when she started her venture. What she had was a newborn daughter and a full-scale pandemic – but none of this slowed her down!

I decided to try growing my own independent website. Sellvia was my choice because I liked its shipping: it’s really fast, and it’s what people want when they shop online.

As Ksenia recalls, her Family niche store got the first orders in the second week of its operation. This is a milestone worth celebrating – especially for a mom on a maternity leave!

I’m trying to give my daughter my attention as much as I can. But anyway, in 3 months, I made about $2,500.

That’s a confident start – and a beginning of a wonderful business story!

Interested in more first-hand insights? Read Ksenia’s full story here!

Cleopatra: “It makes you feel free and empowered, you know?”


A lawyer by profession, Cleopatra wanted to have something of her own – like a business built from the ground up. An online store filled with much-demanded products let her do just that.

I sell baby essentials and products for new parents. Recently, I’ve expanded my product range with Sellvia, so now, there’s something for everyone.

With over $4,000 in sales, this is now a business that provides her with an additional revenue stream, but what’s more, with a purpose.

I want to see how far I can build the business because I really want it to be successful. When that happens, I plan to buy another store in a different niche!

How inspirational is this long-term business planning?

Want to learn Cleopatra’s tips for growing an online store? Read her full story here!

What’s the bottom line?

A business for kids, whether it’s a children clothes website or a store in a broader Parents & Family niche, gave these women more than financial security. Self-fulfilment, a chance to give back to the community, self-empowerment – these matter, too!

So, how do you follow in these entrepreneurs’ footsteps with your own online business for kids?

How to start a business for kids: research the market


Before starting your online store, it’s important to research the market to determine the potential demand for your product.

  • Learn the market dynamics

This can be done by gathering data from online sources such as websites, forums, and social media platforms. You can also reach out to industry experts and influencers to get their insights and opinions. By conducting market research, you can get a better understanding of the current market trends, consumer preferences, and the overall demand for children’s clothes with unique prints.

  • Conduct a competitive analysis

This involves researching the competitors and understanding their strengths and weaknesses. Take a look at existing stores that sell children’s clothes with unique prints and see what they offer, what types of prints they use, and what prices they charge. Here, you’re estimating their products’ quality, design, price, and customer reviews to see how you can improve your own offer. Plus, you’re evaluating their social media presence, email marketing campaigns, and online advertising to see how to reach the tare audience effectively. By conducting a competitive analysis this way, you can learn from the competition and find ways to differentiate your business and stand out in the market.

Once the market research and competitive analysis are complete, you can use the information to create a business plan. By outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections there, you make sure you have a clear growth plan.

This is a crucial step when starting a business selling children’s clothes with unique prints. After it’s taken, you can make informed decisions about the business and increase your chances of success.

How to start a business for kids: meet your target audience


Who are the parents or caregivers who would be interested in purchasing unique and original children’s clothing? Understanding the target market will help you to create a store that appeals to their needs and wants. Here’s what you can try:

  • Surveys and questionnaires

These instruments are an effective way to gather information about the target market. You can use online survey tools to gather data about the target audience’s preferences, opinions, and needs. Also  ask questions about the type of designs and prints they’d like, the fabrics they like, and the preferable sizes and colors.

  • Focus groups

You can gather a small group of parents and children and ask them questions about their preferences and needs. Plus, you can also show them different designs and prints to get their feedback and opinions.

  • Social media

Powerful platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great if you want to engage with the target market and gather feedback. You can also use social media to run contests and surveys to collect more insights on your audience’s preferences and expectations.

How to start a business for kids: decide what to offer


At this point, you need to decide on the types of clothing you want to offer and the prints you want to use. You may choose to specialize in a particular type of clothing, such as t-shirts, dresses, or denim jackets, or offer a variety of items. You can either create your own prints or delegate their design to someone else – more on that later!

There are several factors that you should consider when making your product assortment decision, including:

  • Target market

This includes understanding the age range of the children you want to target, their interests, and the types of clothing they prefer. For example, if the target market is toddlers, it’s a good idea to choose easily recognizable clothing prints that could also serve an educational purpose.

  • Competition

Use the results of your research of the existing stores selling similar products to understand what types of children’s clothes are popular and in demand. Also, look for any gaps in the market that you can fill with unique and original products.

  • Product trends

You should stay up-to-date with current product trends and consider incorporating them into the product offering. This is applicable to the clothing types you choose, colors you pick, and characters or objects you select for the prints.

  • Product variety

You should offer a variety of products to meet the different needs and preferences of their target market. This can include different styles, colors, and prints, as well as different sizes and materials.

  • Budget

You should aim to offer a range of products that meet the needs and wants of the target market while staying within their budget.

Remember that you should be flexible and willing to adjust the product offerings as needed to meet the evolving needs of the audience.

How to start a business for kids: source the products


There are two main options to consider: creating the clothing from scratch or purchasing it from a supplier.

Creating the clothing from scratch gives you complete control over the design process, from the fabric to the cut and stitching. However, it requires a larger investment in materials and equipment, as well as a higher level of skill and expertise in clothing design and production. Besides, if you produce the clothes yourself, it will take much longer to introduce them to the market.

And if you delegate this task, it will take much less time to start selling as the supplier will handle the production process. You will keep the opportunity to create truly unique and original pieces that are not available anywhere else. On top of that, you’ll have lower start-up costs as there will be no need to invest in materials and equipment.

Unlock the endless possibilities of Premium Products – a superior service that allows us to design and produce one-of-a-kind items with signature prints under your brand name. Our team of specialists works diligently to create the ideal products for niche markets that attract a broad range of customers.

With Premium Products, you’ll gain from our design and production know-how, cost-efficiency, and the ability to create truly exceptional products that will differentiate you from the competition. This service is ideal for entrepreneurs looking to establish their business as a brand. Take a look at the amazing examples of the products we can create for you:


If you’re short on time or resources and don’t have the skills to create clothing from scratch, delegating it to a trusted supplier may be a more practical option. Besides, you can even count on their help with the technical part of your business – setting up the store!

How to start a business for kids: launch the online store


Creating an online store that appeals to the target market is key to the success of any business, especially when it comes to selling children’s clothes with unique prints. Here’s what you need to consider when launching one:

  • User-friendly design

The online store should have a user-friendly design that is easy to navigate. It should have clear categories and subcategories, and the products should be organized in a way that is easy for customers to find what they are looking for. The website should also be optimized for mobile devices, as more and more customers are using their smartphones to shop online.

  • High-quality images

These are essential when selling children’s clothes online. You should use high-quality images that showcase the products in the best light possible. Also, you can include multiple images of each product so that customers can see different angles and get a better understanding of the product.

  • Product descriptions

You need clear, concise, and informative product descriptions for every item. They should provide all the necessary information about the product, including the material, size, and care instructions. Product descriptions should also highlight the unique features of each product, such as the unique prints.

  • Customer reviews

Remember that customer reviews can have a significant impact on sales, as potential customers are often more likely to make a purchase if they see positive reviews from other customers. You should encourage customers to leave reviews and make it easy for them to do so.

  • Fast and reliable shipping

Affordable yet fast shipping is crucial for customer satisfaction. You should offer fast and reliable shipping options and clearly communicate your shipping policies and delivery times.

Don’t forget to continually review and update your online store to ensure that it meets the evolving needs and wants of their target market.

How to start a business for kids: start promotion


To attract customers to the store, you need to actively advertise it. Here are a few methods to consider:

  • Social media platforms

Influential platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are powerful marketing tools. Consider creating social media accounts for your business and using them to promote your products, engage with customers, and share behind-the-scenes content. You can also run paid social media advertising campaigns to reach a larger audience.

  • Collaborating with influencers

Influencer marketing is a popular and effective way to reach potential customers. Consider partnering with influencers in the children’s fashion space who have a large and engaged following. Influencers can help to promote your products, generate buzz, and drive traffic to your store.

  • Email marketing

This is yet another effective way to reach and engage with your customers. Consider building an email list of customers who have made purchases or shown interest in your products. You can use email marketing to promote new products, share updates, and offer special promotions and discounts.

  • SEO optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website’s ranking in search engine results pages. By optimizing your website for relevant keywords, you can increase its visibility and attract more organic traffic. Consider incorporating SEO best practices, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlinking, into your marketing strategy.

By implementing these methods, you can effectively promote your online store and reach a wider audience. Be creative and experiment with different strategies to find what works best for your business!

Launching an online store selling children’s clothes with unique prints is a fun and accessible business idea that can be done from home. By following these steps, your can turn any passion, idea, or interest into a successful venture!

by Olga L.
Olga is a Copywriting Director at Sellvia. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business’ as an Advertising specialist, she puts years of her copywriting experience into making clear and informative guides, tutorials, and other educational materials for ecommerce newcomers worldwide.
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