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Coming Up With A Subject Line For Email: 14 Top-Notch Tips
Industry Tips

14 Tips For Coming Up With A Subject Line For Email To Boost Open Rates

by Denis K. | | 13 min read

In the world of email marketing, the subject line is the make-or-break factor for the success of your campaign. It’s the first impression you make on your subscribers and the deciding factor on whether or not they’ll open your email.

So, it’s no surprise that crafting compelling subject lines that boost open rates is a critical skill for anyone in the business of sending emails. But how do you write subject lines that are not only eye-catching but also effective in driving results? The good news is, it’s not as complicated as it seems. 

In this article, we’ll reveal the science and techniques behind crafting compelling subject lines that not only grab attention but also drive engagement and boost open rates. So buckle up, get ready to take notes, and let’s get started on writing subject lines that make a difference

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The Importance of Email Subject Lines


The subject line is the first and often the only impression you make on your subscribers when they receive your email. It’s the hook that decides whether they’ll open your email or send it straight to the trash. A compelling subject line can be the difference between a successful email marketing campaign and one that falls flat.

Think of your inbox as a crowded marketplace with vendors shouting out their wares to get your attention. Your subject line is like a vendor trying to sell you their product. If the vendor has a boring, unappealing, or irrelevant pitch, you’re likely to ignore them and move on to the next vendor. The same is true for your email subscribers. If your subject line is dull, unengaging, or doesn’t deliver on its promise, your subscribers are likely to ignore your email and move on to the next one.

The overall average email open rate is 16.97% 

That’s why it’s essential to craft subject lines that are not only compelling but also relevant and benefit-driven. The subject line is your chance to make a great first impression and set the tone for the rest of your email. It’s your opportunity to grab your subscribers’ attention, pique their interest, and encourage them to open your email.

Here are a few reasons why the subject line is so important:

  • It’s the deciding factor on whether or not your email will be opened

Your subject line is the first and often the only thing your subscribers see when they receive your email. It’s the hook that decides whether they’ll open your email or send it straight to the trash.

  • It sets the tone for the rest of your email

The subject line sets the tone for the rest of your email. If it’s engaging and relevant, it will create excitement and interest in your subscribers, encouraging them to read on. If it’s dull or unappealing, it will turn them off and make them less likely to continue reading.

  • It’s a crucial factor in email deliverability

The subject line is one of the factors that email providers use to determine whether your email is spam or not. If your subject line is spammy or misleading, it could result in your email landing in the spam folder, where it will be less likely to be seen.

The Secrets of Crafting The Ideal Email Subject Lines


  • Understanding the reader’s perspective

Before you start crafting your subject lines, it’s important to understand the reader’s perspective. What do your subscribers want and need from your emails? What kind of content are they interested in receiving? Do you know their pain points, and how can you solve them with your emails?

By understanding the reader’s perspective, you’ll be able to craft subject lines that are relevant and benefit-driven. You’ll be able to speak to your subscribers’ needs and wants, and make sure your subject lines accurately reflect the content of your email.

  • Common Mistakes to Avoid in Email Subject Line Writing

While crafting compelling subject lines is important, it’s equally important to avoid common mistakes that can decrease the chances of your email being opened. Here are a few to watch out for:

№1. Using misleading or spammy subject lines

Avoid using subject lines that are misleading, spammy, or irrelevant. This not only decreases the chances of your email being opened, but it can also result in your email landing in the spam folder.

№2. Being too sales-oriented

While it’s important to be benefit-driven, it’s also important to avoid being too salesy. Avoid using subject lines that sound like a sales pitch, and instead, focus on delivering value to your subscribers.

#3. Neglecting to test

Always test your subject lines to see what works and what doesn’t. Try different approaches and see which subject lines have the highest open rates.

By understanding the reader’s perspective and avoiding common mistakes, you’ll be able to craft subject lines that grab your subscribers’ attention and encourage them to open your email. 

Now, let’s see what techniques you can implement to create subject lines that stand out in a crowded inbox!

10 tips for writing subject lines to boost your sales

tips section for coming up with a subject line for email

#1. Keep it Short and Sweet 

Attention-grabbing subject lines are key to getting your emails opened, but who wants to read a long, drawn-out sentence on a tiny phone screen? That’s why it’s important to keep your subject lines short and to the point. Aim for around 40 characters or 5 to 7 words at most. This way, your subject line won’t get cut off on mobile devices and will quickly grab your reader’s attention. Short and snappy subject lines are often the most eye-catching and can lead to the highest engagement!

Keep in mind that many email clients only display the first few words of a subject line, so make sure your most important message is included in that initial display.

#2. Steer Clear of Spam-Land

Who wants their email to end up in the dreaded spam folder? To make sure that doesn’t happen, it’s important to avoid using language that might trigger spam filters. Say goodbye to aggressive sales tactics and loud punctuation like all caps and multiple exclamation points, and steer clear of phrases like “Buy now” or “Free”. These are major red flags for spam filters and will only hurt your chances of getting your email opened.

Instead of solely focusing on promotions, show your subscribers that you’re an expert in your field by offering useful information and tips. This approach is more likely to engage your audience and keep your emails out of the spam folder.

#3. Get Curious with Questions

Want to grab your reader’s attention and keep them interested? Ask them a question! Asking open-ended questions in your subject line is a great way to focus your reader’s attention and spark their curiosity.

Questions are like a teaser, they feel incomplete on their own and inspire readers to open the email to find the answer. Whether it’s a “What if…” or “How to…”, questions are a powerful tool in crafting engaging subject lines that will boost your email open rates. So, start asking those curious questions and watch your email open rates soar!

#4. Time is of the Essence

In a world full of distractions, it’s hard to get your reader’s attention. But by including a deadline in your subject line, you can create a sense of urgency that will encourage your readers to prioritize your email.

If you’re promoting an event or a special offer, make the most of it by sending out a series of emails. Start with an announcement email, letting your audience know about the upcoming date. Then, as the deadline approaches, send out a “last chance” follow-up email to remind them of the promotion.

Go bold with a short turnaround time, even as short as 24 hours, and use phrases like “Now or never” to really drive the point home. The power of a deadline is undeniable, so use it to your advantage and watch your email open rates soar!

#5. A teaser subject line

Are you ready to take your email open rates to the next level? 

A teaser subject line is a secret ingredient you’ve been missing! Instead of giving away all the details upfront, try enticing your readers with a preview of what’s to come. 

Just like movie trailers, a great subject line should leave your readers wanting more and eagerly clicking to find out what’s inside your email. Get creative and think of something that will really catch your audience’s attention!

#6. Make an announcement!

Got a big announcement to make? Let your email subscribers be the first to know! Turn that excitement into a catchy subject line that’ll get people opening your email with bated breath.

Making announcements through email is a great way to add a personal touch, making your subscribers feel like they’re part of an exclusive group in the know. Get ready to share the good news!

#7. Bring a smile to your readers 

Humor can be a great way to stand out in a crowded inbox. Just make sure the humor is appropriate and relevant to your brand and your subscribers. 

We all could use a good laugh, especially when scrolling through our inboxes. By adding a touch of humor to your subject line, you’ll instantly grab your reader’s attention and make them want to open your email.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with puns or clever wordplay, as long as it fits the tone of your business. Just make sure to avoid anything that might come across as too cringy. With a bit of humor, you’ll have your readers smiling and ready to open your email.

#8. Focus on the benefits of your email 

Your subscribers want to know what’s in it for them, so make sure your subject line clearly communicates the benefits of your email. 

For example, if your email includes tips on how to save money, make sure your subject line accurately reflects that.

#9. Personalize your subject lines

Personalized subject lines are more likely to be opened than generic ones. Use the subscriber’s name in your subject line to make your email feel more personal and relevant.

You can also reference past interactions with your brand, such as a recent purchase or a recent email that they opened.

#10. Use numbers

Numbers can help grab your subscribers’ attention and provide a clear and concise summary of what your email is about. 

For example, “10 tips to improve your life” is much more attention-grabbing than “Tips to improve your life.”

#11. Encourage subscribers to take action by using powerful verbs 

Action verbs can help create a sense of urgency and encourage subscribers to take action. Use verbs that clearly communicate what subscribers will get from opening your email. Examples include “discover,” “unlock,” “enjoy,” “learn,” and “start.”

#12. Create a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can be a great way to increase open rates. Words and phrases like “limited time,” “last chance,” “urgent,” and “act now” can encourage subscribers to open your email before it’s too late. 

Just be careful not to overuse this technique, as too many emails with a sense of urgency can dilute its impact.

#13. Keep it simple and focused on one idea.

Avoid using complex language or multiple ideas in your subject line. A simple subject line is more likely to be opened than a complex one. Avoid using multiple

ideas or complex language in your subject line. Focus on one main idea that communicates the purpose of your email. This will help your subscribers quickly understand what your email is about and why they should open it.

#14. Test and optimize

Regularly test and optimize your subject lines to see what works best for your subscribers. Testing and optimizing your subject lines is crucial to improving your open rates. 

Try different subject line styles and lengths to see what works best for your subscribers. Regularly review your email performance metrics, such as open rates and click-through rates, to see what subject lines are resonating with your subscribers and adjust your strategy accordingly.

It’s your opportunity to make a great first impression and set the tone for the rest of your email. By crafting compelling, relevant, and benefit-driven subject lines, you’ll be able to grab your subscribers’ attention, pique their interest, and encourage them to open your email.

Final thoughts on how to create compelling email subject lines

final thoughts section on coming up with a subject line for email

Creating a compelling subject line is a critical aspect of email marketing. It is the first thing that your audience sees and it’s what entices them to open the email. 

That’s why it’s important to put thought and effort into crafting short subject lines, avoid spam words, ask open-ended questions, include a deadline, tease the content, share something valuable, make announcements, and even try to tell a joke. By following these tips, you’ll increase the chances of your emails being opened and read, resulting in higher engagement and conversions. 

With these tips, you’re no doubt going to be coming up with a subject line for email that your readers will want to open. Remember to always test and measure the effectiveness of your subject lines, and adjust your approach accordingly. Happy email marketing! Book a call with our business advisors to find out how to get an easy and seamless start in the exciting world of ecommerce!

by Denis K.
Denis is a copywriter at Sellvia. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business as a specialist in advertising, he explores the rapidly changing and evolving digital marketing industry and feels committed to sharing his findings with a wider reader’ audience.
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