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Affiliate Marketing Success Story: How Far Can Blogging Take You?

by Olga L. | | 3 min read

Can you make a living through promoting someone else’s product and services online as an affiliate? What does it take to make your affiliate marketing efforts a success? Today, we’ve got a special guest – Jussi, a Sellvia affiliate – to discuss these questions with!

Hi, please introduce yourself!

My name is Jussi, and I’m a full-time online entrepreneur from Finland. I have a 30-years background in information technology, which has greatly benefited me when learning new skills related to online business. I started my entrepreneurial career with Amazon FBA in 2017, and I have done a bunch of stuff since, like consulting and web design. When I first heard about affiliate marketing a few years ago, I thought it was something I also needed to try.

I think I learned the concept of affiliate marketing from Stefan James, the founder of Project Life Mastery. He has been an example of a successful online entrepreneur to me. I also follow some successful bloggers closely.

How did your affiliate marketing success story begin?

I decided to drop all my previous online activities a year ago, started focusing solely on my blog, and began writing in English and monetizing my blog with affiliate marketing. At first, I joined a few affiliate programs and started to add affiliate links randomly to my site. I didn’t know much about what I was doing at that time. I have learned a lot about affiliate marketing since, and now I can say I’m already a very experienced affiliate marketer.

How are you promoting affiliate programs, exactly?

The primary channel for promoting different affiliate programs is my blog. These days, I’m a full-time online entrepreneur and a blogger! I really like blogging because it is maybe the most passive way to make income in the online business space. Also, I do email marketing to my subscribers.

Is it paying off? Can you say you’ve achieved affiliate marketing success?

Affiliate marketing can be very fulfilling. It is a great feeling when you wake up in the morning to see you have made commissions while you were sleeping.

Affiliate marketing success story_affiliate earnings

I’m now making more money with affiliate marketing than with my quite nicely paid corporate job. With a 9-to-5 job, your salary is fixed, and you cannot get more than that. However, you can join as many affiliate programs as you wish and add more and more income streams to your portfolio with affiliate marketing. That is the beauty of it.

Can you tell more about the programs you’re a part of?

I’m in many different affiliate programs at the moment and growing my affiliate program portfolio steadily. I write about things related to online business, everything from Amazon FBA, dropshipping, affiliate marketing, and more.

Recently, I joined the Sellvia affiliate program as well, which is a great opportunity for affiliate marketers because it is a relatively new and growing platform with high earning potential.

What do you think of Sellvia, by the way?

I must say Sellvia has made dropshipping easier than ever before. Sellvia also managed to remove all the pitfalls from the equation that dropshipping business model usually has. In fact, Sellvia seems a viable opportunity because they have built something that you cannot find anywhere else. If you are a dropshipper or are thinking of starting a dropshipping business, you should really take a look at Sellvia.

What is your advice for those aiming for affiliate marketing success in 2022?

If you are a newbie affiliate marketer, focus only on one platform, and once you master it, you can start utilizing other platforms. If you try to promote on many platforms right from the get-go, you will probably fail.

Study and reverse engineer what successful affiliate marketers are doing and how they promote their affiliate products. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

What’s your main goal as an affiliate aside from making a passive income?

My long-term goal is to move abroad to some warmer place. Online business and affiliate marketing make this possible because you can run this type of business from anywhere in the world.

It’s an honor for us to be a part of such a great life-changing plan! We are looking forward to Jussi’s new affiliate marketing success milestones – and welcome everyone who’d love to join in and follow in his footsteps.

by Olga L.
Olga is a Copywriting Director at Sellvia. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business’ as an Advertising specialist, she puts years of her copywriting experience into making clear and informative guides, tutorials, and other educational materials for ecommerce newcomers worldwide.
Andrew Dunn March 9, 2022 21:44:59

I would like to start work on an affiliate marketing strategy with selvia althoigh have limited funds to start with apart from hsving a selvia store of my own set up

Yukesh Rai May 3, 2022 19:31:42

It’s really great

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