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Here Are The Latest Amazon Trends to Boost Sales in 2022

by Laurence L. | | 5 min read

So you may be well on your way to successfully listing products on your Amazon Seller Central account, and that’s great. From product imagery to specs, details, and alluring descriptions, there is a lot you need to do to create the perfect listing. But since Amazon is an ever-evolving platform, and one with a known algorithm (currently known as A10), what are the latest tricks and trends a seller should be on top of? Today, let’s take a quick look at the latest Amazon trends to boost sales in 2022.

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Keep inventory in-stock as much as possible

a picture showing one of the most important amazon trends to boost sales in 2022

This seems like a given, but keeping items available and in-stock is key, because Amazon’s A10 algorithm is sales-driven (no surprise here). If your item is always available, it means more opportunities for sales, which translates into a better-performing item – and a higher-ranking listing.

Stay abreast of SEO

a picture showing a woman working from home for profit

You have heard about the importance of SEO and incorporating it into a website. On Amazon, it’s no different – you have to be aware of things such as optimizing listing titles, descriptions, and images. And also updating these as time goes on, ex. “New for 2022” or “best phone case 2022.”

Also, like with search engine marketing (SEM), you can utilize paid ads on Amazon – and they will show up as sponsored listings. You will need to have a Professional level account and sign up for Amazon’s Brand Registry program though.

So much depends on word of mouth

a picture showing one of the most important amazon trends to boost sales in 2022

With Amazon’s current algorithm, anything that pushes and encourages making a purchase is favored, so you have to ensure your listing utilizes those aspects.

Customer reviews play a big part in this. As the written opinions of customers of your product and brand, reviews are often strong references as recommendations of “buy” or “do not buy” when someone is unsure if they want to add an item to their cart or not. With the ability to add photos and video, customers can make their reviews powerful marketing tools.

As a seller, you can solicit reviews through the “Request a Review” button in Amazon Seller Central. (You are limited to one email per order though.) Or, you can invest in review/brand inserts, like little “thank you” cards that ask a customer to leave a review. And if you are a bigger brand with a big enough presence and third-party email platform, you can deploy independent emails that encourage a customer to leave a review.

Review quality & invest in quality control

a picture showing how to ensure your business healthy growth

And since we just spoke of reviews…there often are bad ones, some which complain of a faulty or poorly-made product. According to Junglescout in 2021, 41% of consumers leave reviews if the product is unsatisfactory.

Whether it’s having a team of inspectors at packing to ensure product quality, or someone at the assembly line, it’s crucial to make sure your items are in good and working condition before sending to Amazon to fulfill for you.

And sometimes, reviewing the suppliers you work with can be helpful in upgrading to someone better or more on top of quality (if you’re having quality issues).

Incorporate video when possible

a picture showing one of the most important amazon trends to boost sales in 2022

Because so much of today’s digital marketing utilizes video (you can thank YouTube and other social platforms for that), Amazon’s most up-to-date algorithm also reflects that. You have to go beyond product imagery and descriptions to captivate a potential customer.

You don’t necessarily need to splash out thousands on a video production team or anything, but just make sure your videos are high quality and showing off your product to better illustrate benefits and features.

Get those influencers

a picture showing crucial factors to grow a business on amazon

Influencer marketing is one of the leading marketing methods in advertising. In fact, an Inmar Intelligence survey found that 84% of those surveyed make purchases based on an influencer’s recommendation –  and 64% follow influencers specifically to learn about new products. You’ve probably heard or seen an influencer suggest a certain product once, adding in that “it’s available on Amazon.” Usually, this is a sponsored post (especially if the influencer notes in the video that the clip is being sponsored).

Utilize your company email or social media to contact an influencer (after doing your niche and market research, of course). An influencer can bring in a lot of traffic, in addition to upping off-page SEO, and help spread your brand name out there.

Be engaging and visually present

a picture showing that being engaging is important to grow a business on Amazon

Being a brand that listens, responds, and makes customers feel included is also a new trend to boost sales in 2022. Amazon has launched seller-centric tools such as Posts, which allows you to create a curated block that Amazon’s algorithm will place at various points in the buyer journey to give your product some space in the spotlight. One other feature added late last year is Brand Follows, which allows a customer to “follow” your brand (it’s almost like social media now). Once a customer follows you, content and deals about your brand will populate on that user’s Amazon homepage. Now, with these tools (and respective brand accounts on social media), you’re much more likely to be on top of a customer’s mind.

And with these trends in mind, let’s move forward and utilize all the optimization, content, and connection to customers that we can to improve sales. We hope you find these Amazon trends to boost sales in 2022 helpful.

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by Laurence L.
Laurence is a copywriter and editor at Sellvia. Having graduated from the University of California Santa Barbara with a Communication degree, he has worked in marketing and ecommerce for over 8 years. He loves to educate and teach audiences about tips for ecommerce and social media marketing.
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