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Want To Grow A Strong Business With SEO? Try This!

by Artemis K. | | 7 min read

At some point, each business owner realizes that it’s time to grow a business as much as possible. If you’re at this very stage, SEO is one of the best ways to do that! Not sure how to work with search engine optimization? SEO Packages from Sellvia are your solution!

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Are there any ways to grow your business better than SEO?

a picture showing how SEO packages can grow your business

What’s the difference between running a business and gambling? Right, if you gamble, the most important thing is to stop at the right time.

When you run your own business, and you want to ride the wave all the time making the venture bigger and more profitable, you should never stop.

All these people who launched ventures that are now large, world-famous companies, started small. Some of them were soldering in their garages, others crammed in a tiny office creating something new and extraordinary, and so on.

These are businesses that are built around a special desire to provide people with something they really deserve are always a success.

Your desire matters. The things you do matter. Yet, the strategy is also crucial for any business owner who wants his business to win the customers hearts and trust. The point is, all those successful entrepreneurs had this desire, so do you. However, a good business owner knows exactly how to grow a business.

Nowadays, there’re lots of ways to increase your business potential and boost its performance. What’s special about them, and how to choose the one you should use for your business growth?

While some of them work on a short-term basis, or require less time, there are the ones providing you with excellent results & long-term effect.

Among them, search engine optimization is the instrument that 100% deserves your attention!

Why get started with SEO in the first place?

Search engine optimization is definitely one of the best strategies if you’re looking for serious business growth.

It’s SEO that lets you drive only warm traffic to your website.

Driving engaged visitors to your website is the key to business growth and overall success. With SEO, you can easily target the users that are MOST LIKELY TO CONVERT on your business, and drive them to your website. That’s the secret behind SEO effectiveness.

Entrepreneurs implementing SEO techniques in their online business promotion have 7 times more chances for success. Don’t you believe it? Then, you’ll definitely be interested in the following stories of how people bet on SEO and succeeded!

How a designer from Washington made her business grow with SEO

a picture showing Michelle who successfully runs her design business

Story credit: Business Of Home

This is a person’s identity that arises in childhood. When Michelle was a child, she was fond of making things look good. Not good, but perfect! She had no idea, however, that it would lead her to starting her own company. But first things first.

Being in love with beauty, she was also really drawn to the idea of helping people.

If she works, this work is to be of some help to other people. When she managed to stop working for a third party, this idea became defining for her new venture.

Michelle started a company specializing in design. At first, she was the only person working in her company. Her early clients came from an online community she had a profile on. She still gets lots of orders from that platform, though much has changed since then.

a picture showing how Michelle works

With her business flooded with clients, she realized she followed the right path, and it’s high time to grow. She enjoyed the use of web platforms for business promotion.

So when she started to hire people, she decided to work hard on search engine optimization to experience new business opportunities.

Did it pay off? Of course, it did!

Now Michelle says about two-thirds of orders the company receives come from SEO and Google search. Michelle follows her own business strategy. That’s why, when she is asked what growth looks like to her, she answers growth is something more than more new team members coming.

a picture showing the example of Michelle's passion

For Michelle, business growth means having a longer waitlist and being really selective with her clients. This is what search engine optimization gave her!

How John saved his business due to SEO after getting banned from Google and Facebook

a picture of John who runs a 7-figure business with SEO


Story credit: Entrepreneur

Although it takes time to experience the results of your SEO and content strategy, John has made sure that this is a must for any business.

John started an online store based on the idea of choosing wisely. He relied solely on Google and Facebook ads which let the store go well. So it did well, until both platforms considered John violating their policies.

Having lost its main and only source of traffic, John started to create content that can be treated as helpful for customers in the research phase.

a picture showing an example of running a blog for SEO

At some point, those pieces of content started ranking. As a result, now John gets more traffic from organic search than both Facebook and Google ads ensured earlier.

What makes a successful business owner different from others? A good entrepreneur treats all the failures as a sign to make changes, and never stops. Although John believes SEO is a tool you should get started with before you need to, these bans from Google and Facebook played a crucial role in John’s business growth allowing him to turn his venture to a seven-figure ecommerce business!

How SEO let Juan made a multi-million subscription business out of door-to-door sales

a picture of Juan who turned his passion into a multimillion business with SEO packages

Story credit: Forbes

Starting a successful business doesn’t require you to invest much, or have some special skills, or things like that. Juan moved from Colombia to Miami at the age of 25. He had poor English skills, but this didn’t prevent him from launching a couple businesses, including BloomsyBox.

This company works on a subscription service sending its customers fresh flowers from sustainable farms. Juan follows several ways of promotion, but when he is asked how to promote a business for the maximum profits, he says SEO is what you need to drive conversions.

“Content is still king”.

a picture showing how to run a blog for search engine optimization

Juan believes that SEO is the most cost-effective promotion channel. This is why the company pays particular attention to SEO. From day one, they create valuable content that people like. And what’s good for your buyers is good for Google.

Working hard on SEO, BloomBox can now boast over 120,000 customers. Juan started with door-to-door sales and turned this start-up into a multi-million company following his SEO strategy. Now he enjoys a seven-figure subscription business while making dozens of thousands of people happy every day.

SEO packages that grow businesses

Although SEO is a perfect tool to grow your business, it requires a lot of time and effort to build a SEO-friendly website. You need to create lots of educational, inspirational, and converting content and make it top-ranking before you can enjoy the results.

Haven’t you started search engine optimization yet? It’s better late than never!

Yet, if you don’t have even basic SEO skills, and you’re afraid of poor results, or you’d like to devote your time to other tasks requiring your participation, you can choose one of SEO Packages Sellvia is happy to provide you with!

a picture previewing a service with SEO packages boosting your business

SEO packages by Sellvia is a 100% hassle-free way to get free organic traffic and ever-growing profits allowing you to grow a business on a long-term basis. No time-consuming activities — we’ll do all the heavy lifting, so you’ll welcome new visitors and enjoy your conversions blast off.

Would you like to make a successful business out of your passion? Then, SEO Packages by Sellvia is the opportunity for business growth you deserve!

by Artemis K.
Artemis isn't just a senior copywriter at Sellvia, he's an ecommerce storyteller. With his BA in International Communication and MA in Advertising, he journeyed from the petrochemical industry to a purpose-driven role at Sellvia. Today, he crafts content that doesn’t just guide people to start successful ventures but helps them amplify their dreams, tap into their full potential, and see that success is much closer than it appears.
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