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Need The Best Dropshipping Websites Supplier? These Guys Have Found Their Winner!

by Olga L. | | 3 min read

What do you expect the best dropshipping websites supplier to be like? And what are you looking for when choosing the right partner for your ecommerce venture?

Let’s review first-hand experience of 3 online entrepreneurs who switched their dropshipping supplier or ecommerce services provider at some point! Why did they do it and how is it working out for them in a long-term perspective? Read below!

The best dropshipping websites supplier is the one providing fast shipping

Key points to consider: fast shipping is one of major factors that influence people’s decision to buy from you. Ideally, you need to look for a supplier who stocks their products in a warehouse close to your target region.

Martin, 43, is an online entrepreneur from Denmark who started his online store in a traditional, well-known way. He began with dropshipping products from China through AliExpress – the strategy that brought him over $3.5K in 7 months.


But did it make him happy?

The numbers may look ok, but in reality, I was struggling with delivery times and customer complaints. That’s why I was interested in some alternatives to AliExpress.

No wonder Martin got curious when he discovered a faster shipping opportunity!

Sellvia’s quick and reliable shipping seemed to solve my delivery issues, and I decided to check it out. It has ready-to-sell products already kept in a warehouse in California.

What happened next?

Martin’s monthly sales doubled right after switching to Sellvia!

Best dropshipping websites supplier_Business revenue after switching to Sellvia

Read his full story to see the stats and details – and to learn why this was a game-changing decision for Martin’s business future:

I now have the confidence to scale my business and not worry that I will get buried in customer complaints about long delivery times from AliExpress.

Isn’t that the issue that every online business owner wants to have solved?


Your best ecommerce partner should be MORE than just a supplier

Key points to consider: if you’re new to online business or simply want to make a smart ecommerce investment, it’s a good idea to look for a ‘package deal’. Apart from a source of products, you can also get an online store made for you, marketing and tech support to help you out with daily tasks, and even a business growth roadmap created for you individually.

Alexander began his ecommerce journey after serving 8 years in the US army. He wanted to pursue his dreams and start a business on a budget with no previous experience. Like many other beginner entrepreneurs, he decided to try dropshipping:

I was using suppliers from China, so shipping across the globe was expensive and took forever. I ended up buying some winning products in bulk and then shipping them from my house to the customer once the order was made. It was so costly in the end!

Looking for a more reasonable and less stressful way to run an online business, Alexander came across Sellvia and decided to test it by ordering a free ready-made store. It’s safe to say the outcome exceeded his expectations!

I was searching for a better way to run my business. I needed a good supplier, fast U.S. shipping, and a beautiful website. Sellvia offers all of that and more!

Having a ready-to-go online store, an extensive catalog of products to sell, quick US delivery option and a whole range of extra tools, Alexander has no worries over the daily business procedures and can dedicate his time to strategic planning. Read his full interview to learn his experience-based tips on ecommerce businesses promotion and growth – and his life-changing experience!

Sellvia has allowed me the opportunity to do the things I love and sustain a comfortable lifestyle. I was homeless for over a year until I started ecommerce and freelance graphic design work – now I have my own apartment.

Just how impressive is that?!

If you’re looking for the best dropshipping websites supplier, there are multiple things to consider. Focus on the ones providing fast delivery to your target country, check if they have free informational and promotional materials available, and see if there are other ecommerce areas they can take care of for you. If you’re aiming at the lucrative US market, Sellvia is a winning choice: its free online store offering alone says a lot!

by Olga L.
Olga is a Copywriting Director at Sellvia. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business’ as an Advertising specialist, she puts years of her copywriting experience into making clear and informative guides, tutorials, and other educational materials for ecommerce newcomers worldwide.
Jason January 23, 2023 0:17:25

When will shipping to Canada be available? I’m eager to use Sellvia but by being located in Canada I don’t see how I can start until I’m able to offer products to my local and Canadian customers.

Artyom K. January 30, 2023 5:08:20

Hi, thank you for your interest!
Although shipping to US is available only, the US market is one of the most tempting in terms of ecommerce. So you can easily start a business in the USA from any other country and make US customers happy with winning products.
Please read a profound article on how to start a business in the USA —
Or feel free to get a free consultation with our business advisors at any time convenient to you —

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