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How to Get Products to Sell on Amazon And Make $292.8K/Month
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How to Get Products to Sell on Amazon And Make $292.8K/Month [Ambersonne’s Story]

by Artemis K. | | 7 min read

Are you eager to dive into the world of ecommerce and start selling on Amazon? Look no further! Sellvia is here to help you embark on this exciting journey and make the most of the incredible business opportunities Amazon has to offer. With our comprehensive guidance and services, we’ll show you how to get products to sell on Amazon and build a thriving online business. Discover the inspiring success stories of stores like Ambersonne and learn how you, too, can achieve your dreams of ecommerce success. Get ready to embrace the profitable world of Amazon selling with Sellvia by your side!

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Selling on Amazon: A Big Ticket?

a picture previewing the article on what to sell on Amazon for profit

Dream of living a better life you feel that you deserve? Have you ever considered starting an online business selling unique bathroom accessories?! Today, we are sharing the incredible success story of Ambersonne, an Amazon store that made $292.8K in revenues last month by selling shower curtains and bath mats.

Today, you will learn how profitable it is to start selling on Amazon, and how you can easily start selling unique products on Amazon with Sellvia. With Sellvia’s Premium Products service, you can launch your own online business with no manufacturing issues and start making money online effortlessly.

The Enormous Potential of Selling on Amazon

Amazon, the leading global ecommerce giant, presents a plethora of opportunities for budding entrepreneurs to tap into its massive customer base and make a fortune. With a user base in the millions, Amazon enables businesses to cater to a diverse array of consumers, significantly increasing their potential revenue.

  • Access to an Extensive Customer Base

Amazon boasts over 300 million active customers, providing a vast pool of potential buyers for your products. By entering the Amazon marketplace, you can easily target a vast customer base. This increased reach allows you to sell more products and scale your business faster.

  • Leveraging Trust and Credibility

Amazon has established itself as a well-known and trusted platform in the ecommerce world. Customers feel confident and secure making purchases from Amazon sellers, knowing that they are backed by the platform’s stringent policies and quality control measures. As a seller on Amazon, you can benefit from this trust and credibility, which translates into higher conversion rates and increased sales.

  • Utilizing Amazon’s Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) Service

One of the primary challenges for online entrepreneurs is managing the logistics of storage, shipping, and customer service. Amazon offers a comprehensive solution called Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA), where they handle all these aspects for you, freeing up your time and resources to focus on expanding your business. With FBA, you can offer your customers the same level of service and shipping speed as Amazon itself, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction and, ultimately, more sales.

  • Tapping into the Power of Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime is a subscription service with over 200 million members who enjoy benefits such as fast shipping, access to exclusive deals, and more. By listing your products as Prime-eligible, you can tap into this loyal customer base that values the convenience and perks associated with the membership. Prime members are more likely to make repeat purchases and often prioritize buying from Prime-eligible sellers, giving you a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Selling on Amazon presents an attractive opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to build a successful online business. With access to a vast customer base, the trust and credibility of the platform, the potential to attract loyal Prime members, and other benefits provided by the platform, Amazon offers a powerful launchpad for those seeking a profitable ecommerce venture.

Don’t you still believe it? Feel free to read the success story of the Ambersonne’s store on Amazon!

Ambersonne’s Journey to Success: Dominating the Shower Curtain and Bath Mat Niche on Amazon

a picture showing how to get products to sell on Amazon and enter the platform with bathroom accessories

Ambersonne, an online store hosted on the Amazon platform, has managed to carve out a niche for itself by offering exceptional shower curtains and bath mats. In a single month, the store witnessed an astounding $292.8K in revenues, reflecting the massive potential for growth and success in the ecommerce sector.

Ambersonne’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, strategic planning, and the right product offerings, proving that anyone with the right mindset can achieve remarkable heights in the online marketplace.

The Ambersonne store features an extensive selection of shower curtains and bath mats that come in a variety of designs, colors, and patterns. This diverse product range caters to the different tastes and preferences of a wide array of customers, making it easier for buyers to find items that match their unique styles.


By prioritizing the quality and uniqueness of their products, Ambersonne has successfully managed to differentiate themselves from competitors and build a strong, loyal customer base. This has been instrumental in driving their impressive sales figures and overall success.

Furthermore, Ambersonne’s success can be attributed to their understanding of market trends and customer needs, which has allowed them to create products that resonate with their target audience. By continuously updating their product offerings to align with the latest design trends and consumer preferences, Ambersonne has been able to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a strong presence in the market.

The point is, you can easily repeat the success of Ambersonne by entering Amazon with your unique products, and win customers’ hearts. How can you do that? We’re happy to help you with that!

How You Can Achieve Similar Success with Sellvia’s Premium Products

sell trolling clothing with premium products and amazon innovations

Now that you’ve learned about Ambersonne’s success, you might be wondering how to get products to sell on Amazon and achieve similar results. The answer lies in Sellvia’s Premium Products service. This service allows you to easily start selling unique products on Amazon without worrying about manufacturing, inventory, or shipping.

Here’s how Sellvia’s Premium Products service works.

  1. Share Your Ideas: Specify your interests, preferences, and the kind of products you want to sell. Don’t you have any ideas? It’s okay! Our team permanently monitores the market to detect empty niches. What for? With them, you can easily start a business with zero competition and get any closer to your success!
  2. Unique Product Creation: How to get products to sell on Amazon with no extra expenses? Easy! Our team will create unique designs for you exclusively and manufacture high-quality products according to your preferences!
  3. Hassle-Free Selling: Sellvia takes care of all the technicalities, such as inventory management, shipping, and customer support, allowing you to focus on growing your business.
  4. Sell Anywhere: With Sellvia’s Premium Products, you can sell your products not only on Amazon but also on other ecommerce platforms, in your online store, or even through social media.

How to Get Products to Sell on Amazon: Final Takeaway

a picture showing how to launch a business from home easily with a business plan made by AI and change your life for the better

The phenomenal success story of Ambersonne’s store on Amazon serves as an inspiring testament to the incredible results that can be achieved by selling unique products in a niche market. For those who are seeking guidance on how to get products to sell on Amazon, Sellvia’s Premium Products service is the perfect solution. This service empowers you to seamlessly start selling your one-of-a-kind products on Amazon, eliminating any concerns related to manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain management.

To attain the same level of success as Ambersonne, it is essential to develop and implement the right strategy, maintain unwavering determination, and take full advantage of the support and expertise offered by Sellvia. By concentrating on how to get products to sell on Amazon that cater to the specific needs, tastes, and preferences of your target audience, you will set the stage for building a thriving and prosperous online business.

With Sellvia’s Premium Products service, not only will you learn how to get products to sell on Amazon, but you’ll also gain access to a vast array of resources designed to streamline your entrepreneurial journey. From product research and design to manufacturing and fulfillment, Sellvia takes care of all the complex details, allowing you to focus on growing your brand and reaching new heights in the competitive world of ecommerce.

Now you know how to get products to sell on Amazon with no effort. So, don’t delay – seize this opportunity to embark on your journey towards ecommerce success today, and unlock your full potential with the unparalleled support and expertise of Sellvia. Together, you can transform your vision into a reality and create a flourishing online business that stands the test of time.

by Artemis K.
Artemis isn't just a senior copywriter at Sellvia, he's an ecommerce storyteller. With his BA in International Communication and MA in Advertising, he journeyed from the petrochemical industry to a purpose-driven role at Sellvia. Today, he crafts content that doesn’t just guide people to start successful ventures but helps them amplify their dreams, tap into their full potential, and see that success is much closer than it appears.
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