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How To Make Extra Money Online As A Single Parent [4 Stories]
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Parenting + Business: How To Make Extra Money Online When You’re The Only Caretaker

by Olga L. | | 4 min read

How to make extra money online when you’re the only one taking care of a whole household – and a child?

Parenting itself is a tough job to master, plus, it’s a full-time one. So, how do you combine it with a side hustle, especially the one you’ve never tried before?

We’ve gained some first-hand insights – and can’t wait to share them!

How to make extra money online as a single parent: introducing our speakers

Let’s meet the amazing moms and dads from across the globe who are the inspiration for our today’s discussion!

Ruby, Northern California

How To Make Extra Money Online As A Single Parent: Ruby's Story

A single mom of twins, Ruby, 41, works full-time in a community college – and runs an online store to get a source of extra income. Small yet promising, for Ruby, this ecommerce business is an investment in herself – and a positive example she hopes to set to her sons.

Side hustles from home_Ruby's store performance

Read Ruby’s story here – and watch her video interview for even more details!

Jack, Melbourne

How To Make Extra Money Online As A Single Parent: Jack's Story

A single dad from Australia, Jack, 33, holds a steady day job as well. This is why he can only dedicate about 2 hours a day to his online business. And still, this proves to be enough to run quite an impressive venture!


Go to Jack’s interview to learn more about his business approach and make sure to watch the video below, too!

Joann, British Columbia

How To Make Extra Money Online As A Single Parent: Joann's Story

A dedicated social service worker, Joann, a single mom of two, had zero ecommerce experience when she launched her store. Nevertheless, the attempt turned out to be a success: look at what she’s achieved in less than 6 weeks!


Read Joann’s interview for curious business insights!

Goran, Oslo

How To Make Extra Money Online As A Single Parent: Goran's Story

Goran, 36, is a single dad from Norway who enjoys running his turnkey online store: he finds it easy to manage even with no prior dropshipping experience. Notably, the store is already making its first sales – even without any conversion ads!


Go to Goran’s interview to see what he did to make these first sales and of course, watch the video below as well!

What do people look for when choosing how to make extra money online?

At some point, all these inspirational people were just taking their first steps into ecommerce – and comparing multiple options available. How did they end up with the businesses they’re currently holding, and what should you take into account when following in their footsteps?

Low startup investment

As a rule, financial issues of one sort or another are the core reason to try some side hustle in the first place. So, naturally, if there isn’t much money to spend on your launch, you’ll be aiming at more affordable options.

I was researching dropshipping opportunities on Google and somehow came across the Sellvia ad for a $0 online store. I have to admit I was sold very quickly!

Limited time required to run the venture

With so many personal, family-oriented, work-related, and other things happening in our daily life, we surely don’t want the business to take away what little is left of our precious me time.

After my daughter started school, I really wanted to get more free time to spend with her as I saw that years were literally flying away and I struggled every day to get off work, make dinner, and do homework.

Availability to complete newcomers

Even if you’ve never had formal IT training or first-hand business experience, it doesn’t mean you can’t explore this field! The perfect type of business here is the one that comes with extensive guidelines, tutorials, personal consultations and ready-to-launch solutions.

I thought I’ll take my chances with something that’s working rather than get into something I don’t know about, having to do that entire testing process and not having any support there.

Connection to personal interests

Being passionate about the things your business is all about, you give it a great potential for further growth – and possibly, even for establishing a personal brand.

I sell unique and hard to find automotive accessories, specifically to make travel more comfortable, more convenient, and more safe.

How does Sellvia hold up to these standards?

And so, we have it: a picture of the perfect business to try out when you’re a single parent wondering how to make extra money online. What you’re looking for is an affordable solution that comes as a ready package and doesn’t take much time to learn.

Sellvia, an all-on-one ecommerce ecosystem, ticks all these boxes – and more – as it offers:

How does the opportunity sound to you?

If you’re looking at ways to make extra money online, consider starting your online store with Sellvia! Already tried by countless entrepreneurs across the globe, it’s a fitting solution for complete newcomers – and a great way to realise your potential!

by Olga L.
Olga is a Copywriting Director at Sellvia. Having graduated from the Faculty of International Business’ as an Advertising specialist, she puts years of her copywriting experience into making clear and informative guides, tutorials, and other educational materials for ecommerce newcomers worldwide.
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