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How To Run Facebook Ads That Sell From The Start [Case Study]
Case Studies

How To Run Facebook Ads That Start Selling Straight Away [Case Study]

by Artemis K. | | 10 min read

Are you wondering how to run Facebook ads to make your first sales ASAP? If so, check out the story of Natalie: she is making great progress with her newly launched online store thanks to FB ads!

These days, starting an ecommerce business itself is now a big deal. For a smooth start, you can simply get a tailor-made custom store. When it’s ready, all that remains for you is only to promote its products and receive profit.

But how to promote your online business in the most efficient way? How much time will it take you to get profit? And how to succeed in no time?

First things first.

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How to promote your online store successfully: Facebook ads

There’s no secret that Facebook along with Instagram is the most commonly used social media platform among the business owners worldwide. Over 90% of entrepreneurs promote their businesses through Facebook ads, and almost 80% do this through Instagram.

a picture showing main social media platforms for ecommerce

Are you surprised? Actually, there’s a good reason for that. Facebook is one of the world’s most popular social networks with a huge number of followers always willing to buy something cool! It’s a really promising audience for you to target. This is why business owners earn billions of dollars annually thanks to Facebook advertising. Not a big deal!

Natalie, our today’s guest, explores Facebook’s benefits, too. Let’s see how she uses it to boost her online business!

How to run Facebook ads that sell: a time-tested strategy to run Facebook ad campaigns with no effort

“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” Helen Hayes

Even though Natalie has just started her new store, it’s already bringing a significant profit. The point is that her store brings $8K/month from month one!

a picture showing how to run Facebook ads for the maximum benefit

Are you interested in how she managed to start earning that much straight away? What do you need to do in order to easily repeat her success?

Natalie kindly shared her step-by-step strategy on how to run Facebook ads for profit – let’s discuss and follow it from A to Z!

Step #1: Choose a niche

If you want to start a niche store, as a rule, you need to conduct in-depth research to detect a niche with the highest potential.

Fortunately, with Sellvia, there’s no need to do market research on your own anymore! Sellvia has already spent dozens of thousands of dollars on testing different products. That’s how the team detected several product categories that are best for starting an ecommerce business.

a picture showing where you can find best products to sell at low prices with fast shipping

Feel free to move to the catalog of Sellvia: all the product categories and products themselves you’ll find there have proven to be highly successful.

Step #2: Find a flagship product

A good business owner learns the law of business by trial and error. The best entrepreneurs learn from the errors others have made.

Of course, you can’t promote all the products you offer at once. Why? You’ll simply spend a lot of money, and the result won’t please you. Beyond this, can you imagine running 100-200 paid ad campaigns at once?…

Instead, ecommerce store owners have already proved that it’s much more profitable to promote a couple of the most promising products only. They focus on the products that can drive the biggest number of visitors to a store. In practice, this approach works best.

Let’s look at Natalie’s example closely. Earlier, Natalie was a part of the team that launched a highly successful auto accessories store now bringing over $500,000 a month. This is the exact reason why Natalie’s new store also deals with the auto industry.

The product range of the store is wide enough. But actually, 2/3 of the store revenue is made by a couple of products, while all the rest product range brings just a tiny part of the whole revenues.

So, let’s go back to flagship products. What should a product be like to become such a best seller? Here’s what the perfect ecommerce product should have:

  • A low number of returns
  • A small overall size = low-cost delivery
  • High demand from a specific target audience

Advertise products people look for, but can hardly find

a picture showing how to start a business you'll be proud of

What’s the easiest way to choose the right products to sell and promote to ensure lots of traffic for your website? Start advertising products people actively look for, but can hardly find!

Our team is permanently monitoring the market to detect the empty niches and, especially, the products people wish to buy online, but nobody sells yet. This is a chance for you to enter the market with your own, unique products and run a business with zero competition. And we’re happy to help you with that!

  • We’ll create for you unique products customers look for, but nobody offers yet, to let you bring something special to the market and meet the customers’ needs. How to run Facebook ads that sell? This is not an issue for you anymore.
  • Moreover, we’ll take care of all the technicalities regarding product manufacturing, packaging, shipping, etc. allowing you to run a business with no effort.
  • Beyond that, we’ll create for you an account on Amazon on request and upload your products there. Add Amason business setup to your Premium Product package to let you enjoy all the benefits of selling through Amazon, world’s most popular trading floor.

Would you like to make a fortune and make a difference? Check Premium Products by Sellvia and run a business you’ll be always proud of!

Step #3: Design Facebook ad creatives

a picture showing how a perfect Facebook ad looks

After you’ve chosen the products, it’s time to start designing Facebook ad creatives.

What are Facebook ad creatives? These are the videos, banners, carousel posts, etc. Such marketing materials are designed to attract customer’s attention to the products you offer in your online store.

This step is made easier for you, too! In this database, you can source ready-to-go promo campaigns for winning Sellvia products!

The access to highly profitable marketing campaigns (videos, banners, and ad copies for Facebook and Instagram) for Sellvia products is unlimited. All the materials are designed from scratch in accordance with FB requirements and proven to be high-converting.

Step #4: Launch ad campaigns

Now it’s time to test the creatives you’ve prepared. Before you launch ad campaigns, you need to prepare several videos or banners and several ad texts to test. Your target is to start several campaigns at once and sort the ones that perform better.

Please don’t be upset if some ad creatives work poorly. Such campaigns bring likes, comments, and shares, but on a bit smaller scale. However, this stage is essential for running a business with Facebook.

After you’ve tested several creatives, choose the ones that perform better and use them further. The logic is quite simple.

NOTE: you need to monitor your ad campaigns all the time. It’s a must to find the creatives that outperform others (you’ll use them later) and turn off the ones that blow your money.

a picture showing the way to run a Facebook ad campaign successfully

Here are several tips to follow to make the most of your Facebook ads:

  • If CTR (click-through rate) is lower than 1%, turn off the ads automatically
  • When CPC (cost per click) gets higher than $2, turn off the ads automatically
  • If Frequency (average amount of ad demonstrations to one person) is greater than 2, turn off the ads automatically
  • Increase the ad group budget by 10% if the cost per result is lower than $5
  • Reduce the ad group budget by 10% if the cost per result is higher than $7

Step #5: Create lookalike audiences

Don’t forget to create lookalikes based on the most successful creatives.

Have you ever heard about lookalikes? Social media lets you custom create audiences based on the results of your best-performing ads. Facebook uses these results to find those users who are highly likely to be interested in the products/services your actual audience is keen on.

In a nutshell, your creatives collect an audience that is interested in your products, meanwhile, Facebook creates a whole new audience that is most probably looking for the products/services you offer.

In order to create a lookalike audience, you need to go to your Audiences on Facebook, select the Create audience drop-down and choose Lookalike Audience. Then, you need to choose your source. A source can be a Custom Audience not created with your pixel data, your mobile app data, or fans of your Page.

a picture showing how to break down a Facebook audience into segments

Facebook recommends using a group of 1,000 to 50,000 of your best customers based on lifetime value, transaction value, total order size, or engagement. Then, it remains for you only to choose the country/countries where you’d like to find a similar set of people. Choose your desired audience size with the slide. Select Create Audience. That’s it.

If you want to learn more about running successful ads, please read a complete guide on Facebook ads optimization.

Step #6: Run retargeting campaigns

When you run ad campaigns on Facebook, you should pay particular attention to retargeting.

Retargeting is the way to achieve your potential customers who have already dealt with your brand by means of serving ads.

The point is that you must exclude people who have already dealt with your brand from the audiences that receive your standard creatives. Such users need to get absolutely different ads. This is all about customizable retargeting.

How to retarget an audience? Go to ad creation and start creating your dynamic ad. When you select your audience, choose Retarget ads to people who interacted with your products on and off Facebook. Choose a retargeting option you believe is more suitable for your business, enter the number of days where the action occurred for your retargeting option, and select Show advanced options to add a Custom Audience or Lookalike Audience to your targeting (optional).

How to improve your retargeting performance? Well, you may inform such customers about new arrivals, provide them with additional discounts, etc. This is reasonable: CTR and the click cost of these so-called warm audiences are always higher.

a picture showing how to run remarketing campaigns

How to run Facebook ads for profit: final takeaway

As you can see, there’s nothing challenging about running ad campaigns on Facebook. All you need is to follow Natalie’s strategy. As the creator of the ecommerce store that brings profit on a permanent basis from month one, she has precious practical experience to share!

If this strategy seems complex to you, or you have no idea about how to design ad creatives, please look at the solution Sellvia offers. Sellvia helps you save your time and efforts while launching Facebook ads.

  • Sellvia is ready to provide you with trending products only. All the items from the Sellvia catalog have proven to be profitable.
  • If you subscribe to Sellvia, you get access to a whole range of ready, high-converting marketing campaigns. There’s no need to design ad creatives, write ad texts, etc.
  • Sellvia offers fast shipping. With fast shipping badges and quick delivery, ad creatives are more likely to convert as many customers as possible.

Would you like to move beyond this and make a fortune & make a difference in no time? Let us create for you unique products people already look for, but nobody sells yet. This is a way to take your current business to a whole new level or start a business you’ll be always proud of!

  • Natalie and her store

Accordingly, Natalie has already started using Sellvia for her new ecommerce store, and it got a great boost: the store makes over $8K/month from month one. Now Natalie is targeting the same results they’ve got with one of their previous stores – or about $500,000/month.

a picture showing how to run Facebook ads for profit with Sellvia

Would you like to repeat the success of the store creators or even surpass it? Now you know well how to run Facebook ads for profit. We’ll create for you unique products allowing people to solve their most urgent issues, a win-win solution. You’re meant for something special, aren’t you?

by Artemis K.
Artemis isn't just a senior copywriter at Sellvia, he's an ecommerce storyteller. With his BA in International Communication and MA in Advertising, he journeyed from the petrochemical industry to a purpose-driven role at Sellvia. Today, he crafts content that doesn’t just guide people to start successful ventures but helps them amplify their dreams, tap into their full potential, and see that success is much closer than it appears.
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