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Easiest Business To Start With Little Or No Money? Here It Comes!
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What is The Easiest Business To Start With Little Or No Money? [Solved]

by Artemis K. | | 12 min read

Would you like to ensure confidence in the future for yourself and your closest people? A profitable, yet simple side hustle is what you really deserve! Don’t miss an opportunity to change your life for the better — check out the easiest business to start with little or no money!

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What’s the easiest business to start?

This is financial independence that matters a lot. While some people simply go through their lives, others take measures to enjoy it, making their dreams into reality.

To reach their goals, people often realize that their 9-to-5 jobs are not enough to get what they wish. This is why they start looking for a side hustle. However, side hustles are all different.

There should be a solution that everyone in the world could start — what’s the easiest business to start in 2023 and beyond?

While other alternatives require you to meet certain conditions and put everything at stake, ecommerce has come from the desire to ensure an equal opportunity to start your own business.

No investments = no risks

a picture showing it's important to start a business with no investments

Are you looking for a side hustle to power your financial independence? Okay, that’s fine. Yet, remember a side hustle you choose must become your source of extra income, but not threaten your savings, your confidence in future.

A good side hustle provides you a chance to get your financial freedom and never makes you put everything at stake.

So how to choose the right side hustle to make a fortune with? Consider the ones that don’t require large investments or investments at all.

Since ecommerce doesn’t make you deal with product storage, packaging, transportation, staff management, and things like that, you can start an ecommerce business with little investments and build a venture you’ll be proud of.

Actually, you can start with 0$ today with no risks and worries. But first things first.

No specific skills required

a picture showing the easiest business to start from home with no money

Most side hustles require you to have a set of specific skills to start and grow it into something bigger. If you don’t have a specialized education, it will take you tons of time, effort, and, finally, a lot of money, while good results are not guaranteed. That’s not the way to go.

Try to turn your attention towards business ideas that don’t require any special knowledge.

Do you have any passion? It would be a lot easier to turn your passion into profit. You will get a smooth start with it easily and quickly, while such a side hustle will always matter a lot more for you.

A good business is the one you love dealing with. Ecommerce is a perfect tool for you to succeed because you can start your own business in any niche you want.

Are you a tech geek who knows everything about all the modern devices? Or are you fond of vehicles knowing how to solve all the car drivers’ burning issues? It really doesn’t matter — starting an ecommerce business will not only discover your potential, but help people worldwide solve their problems and make their dreams come true.

No waiting = immediate success

It’s exhausting to wait and run after. Most side hustles will make you wait untill you get the results. Business ideas with delayed effects are not what you deserve.

If you want to reap the benefits of your side hustle immediately and fully, you should consider business ideas that don’t make you wait for a long time.

Is this one more reason why ecommerce is the easiest business to start?

With ecommerce, you can become an owner of a ready-to-go business TODAY & FOR $0!

As you can see, the easiest business to run in 2023 and beyond is definitely an ecommerce business. Due to the features ecommerce implies, anyone in the world can start an ecommerce business today, with no previous experience in ecommerce and no money required! But how to start it on such favorable terms?

Keep reading, you’re a couple of clicks away from doing what you love while gaining profit from it!

How to start an ecommerce business with $0 & no skills?

To get a smooth start in ecommerce, you need to take care of 3 business elements. Follow this checklist on the easiest business to start to do that with no effort.

  • Step #1: Find a supplier

The first step is to find a supplier. This stage is crucial because this is your supplier who determines your business potential.

An entrepreneur who runs a store, whether online or not, needs something to sell. You’re not going to either produce goods or buy them in bulk to store them somewhere, right?

The beauty of ecommerce is that you don’t need to deal with buying products in advance, thinking of reat estate and renting a warehouse, hiring staff, worrying about packaging and shipping, etc. So you don’t need to risk losing money at all. These are your suppliers who are to take care of that.

This is why it’s so crucial to choose a trust-worthy supplier for your business. We’re going to find a perfect supplier out there. Nowadays, there are suppliers that do the fulfillment and shipping for you, which is what you need! Sellvia, located in Irvine, CA, is one of these.

a picture showing sellvia as a perfect supplier for your ecommerce business

  • How does it work? What should you still care for?

It remains for you only to choose products from the Sellvia catalog that you’d like to sell in your store, then you attract customers. That’s it, bingo!

How to choose products for your store right, for the maximum profit? In the catalog of Sellvia, you will find only high-demand products, proven to be high-converting for ecommerce.

hot Christmas items to sell in 2022 premium products

Do you believe that you are meant for something special? Of course, you’re! Sellvia is happy to let you move beyond and start making a difference from the outset — with Sellvia, you can start selling unique products people are already looking for, but nobody sells yet. We’ll design and manufacture these products for you personally to let you bring something new to the market and win customers’ hearts!

Would you like to learn more about selling unique products made for you personally? It’s as easy as never before — feel free to book a free consultation with our business advisors willing to give you the details at any time you choose!

How does this all work? Actually, this is not a big deal – first, customers order products from you. After that, you transmit these orders to Sellvia, and we ship them out for your customers from our warehouse. That’s it. Your minimum participation is required. We’ll take care of all the complex tasks.

In this step, by choosing the right supplier, we have already saved you tons of time on finding products and fulfillment. Because you don’t need to do any of this when working with Sellvia.

You save time and effort, unlike entrepreneurs who deal with these things manually.

It turns out you’ve a lot more time to grow your business and devote yourself to what you love, making yourself one step ahead of your competitors.

  • Step #2: Create a store

a picture showing how to start a dropshipping business for free

To launch your business, you need to create a website you will drive customers to and sell products from.

An online store is basically a website. All you need to make your store work is to build the site and set up a payment method. Actually, that’s it.

How much does this cost? Ordering an ecommerce website can sometimes cost a fortune. You will find different offers on the Internet varying from $1 to $100,000 for your turnkey ecommerce store creation and setup!

Yet, this is a much better idea to use a pre-made solution rather than building a store from scratch. This is the way to save much time & money, heave steady nerves, and let experts do their job. It remains for you only to find a reliable supplier of turnkey, ready-to-go business solutions.

In fact, there’re lots of companies that can help you start your online store. However, most of them charge monthly fees. But in addition to a monthly fee, if you go for a basic plan, they will limit the number of products you can import or sell in your store. They will also normally have transaction fees.

In this case, you’ll have to give a part of your revenues to your website creator all the time. Is that what you deserve? Not at all!

How to save money at this stage and forever on product assortment and purchase commissions? Give Sellvia a try!

Sellvia requires one time payment that will cover a yearly subscription: but it gives you an unlimited amount of best-selling items that you can import into your stores, and you don’t have to share a penny from your sales – no transaction fees. 

  • And yes, stores

One Sellvia subscription can work on 10 different stores at the same time!

It gives the ability to try different niches and see what is the best for YOU. This is the way to minimize your risks. Wait, wait, wait… What are the risks you’re taking if you start a business with no investments? 🙂 

By the way, speaking about starting an online business with $0 — try getting a store from Sellvia instead of building one from scratch. It’s a ready-made store you can get without setting up anything yourself and paying for anything at the start, but start selling from it right away!

At Sellvia, we believe that everyone worldwide should have a chance to start a business without any investments and skills required.

That’s why we provide you with such one. All you need to do to get a turnkey store is to order it from Sellvia and fill in the form to let our specialists build it from scratch for you. After receiving a store, only set up the payment gateways and start selling from day one!

What does this mean for you as a potential small business owner? This is the way to save funds, meanwhile, avoid a few weeks of hard work. You can start promoting your store right after receiving it from Sellvia, while others are still looking for things to sell, picking suppliers, and working with graphic designers, ordering products, and storing them.

With a store that is 100% ready to receive customers and process orders, it remains for you only to drive these customers to your website, making it grow steadily. How to cope with that? Not a big deal, actually.

  • Step #3: Create social media pages and begin advertising

There’s no secret, customers won’t magically appear in your store. To reap you need to sow. Actually, there’re several channels of promotion you can use to make your business work and grow. Some of them require money to invest, others don’t. You can easily start with the ones that are free.

  • Social Media Marketing

a picture showing how much does it cost to start an ecommerce business and grow with smm

All the trustworthy stores have social media accounts actively promoted.

So, first, create social media pages — people need to know that your store is reliable and safe to buy from. They expect you to have an account and some posts and activity there.

  • Search engine optimization

a picture previewing a service with SEO packages boosting your venture

Search engine optimization is one more source of traffic to your website. There’re two most important things about SEO you need to pay attention to:

  1. SEO attracts only warm traffic — Internet users that are easy to convert into customers
  2. By devoting time to SEO once, you’ll see the results on a long-term basis
  • Paid advertising

a picture showing where to source time-tested ad campaigns to market your business through paid ads

Are you finished with SEO and SMM? Then, consider paid promotion. It’s highly likely to show the best performance, yet it requires you to pay money for it. However, Sellvia is happy to do the job allowing you to run ad campaings with ease.

Products in Sellvia’s catalog have high-converting ad creatives and advanced recommendations on how to use them. We’ve already spent dozens of thousands of dollars testing them. It remains for you only to make a couple of clicks starting your ad campaigns with no effort and enjoy the result.

You can start with a bang and have your campaigns working from day one, rather than creating and testing out different ad creatives, approaches, and acting blindly as is usually the case.

Usually, beginners bend over backwards with their advertisement campaigns because it’s a new world for them, and they need to learn everything on the go. This isn’t a bad thing, but for people who already have many different processes they need to work on, making some of them simple is great. Sellvia is committed to doing just that.

Change your life for the better with the easiest business to start

a picture showing the easiest business to start from home and benefit from - it's ecommerce

Indeed, what are the easiest businesses to start? Here it is — a few steps here and there, and you’re a store owner, profit!

There are lots of types of businesses, and all the side hustles are different. While looking for financial independence, being involved in a questionable side hustle, it’s important not to lose confidence in the future.

The greatest thing about starting an ecommerce business with Sellvia is that you don’t need to leave your everyday job and/or spend lots of hours and tons of money running this business. It can take an hour or two a day to manage it allowing you to even work from home. Which makes it… A great side hustle and the easiest online business to start.

Moreover, with Sellvia you can easily move beyond and enter the market with your own, unique products buyers already look for, but nobody sells yet.

This is a chance for you to start a business with zero competition and help people get access to the products they deserve.

We’ll take care of designing and manufacturing one-of-a-kind products for you from scratch. It’s all on us to let you enjoy running your business that does what really matters.

Being more financially independent is something we all need. It’s not a wild dream but an achievable goal. The only thing you need to do is simply start! What’s the easiest business to start from home or anywhere else? It’s you who judge. Now you can start an ecommerce business with Sellvia with $0 & no skills required and run your business even from home! Would you like to change your life for the better and help others do the same? One day or day one. You decide.

by Artemis K.
Artemis isn't just a senior copywriter at Sellvia, he's an ecommerce storyteller. With his BA in International Communication and MA in Advertising, he journeyed from the petrochemical industry to a purpose-driven role at Sellvia. Today, he crafts content that doesn’t just guide people to start successful ventures but helps them amplify their dreams, tap into their full potential, and see that success is much closer than it appears.
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